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The Basic Model of Green Farming Cycle Agriculture Comparison and Optimization Study

摘要: Agricultural green sustainable development has become an important strategy in every country, and whether this strategy can be realized depends on the development and popularization of the model of planting and breeding combined circular agriculture. Based on the related theories, a three-dimensional structure analysis model including the types of participants, project operation mode, planting and breeding structure and benefit is established in this paper. And by examining the typical case of green agriculture in China, in this study, three green farming models, namely, the animal-plant cycle model dominated by two agents, the three-dimensional cycle model with multi agents, and the three-stage cycle model dominated by individual investors, were summarized. Finally, through the comparison and induction of the models, the existing problems and optimization direction of the current basic models of planting and breeding cycle agriculture were put forward.


[V1] 2022-11-25 20:03:14 ChinaXiv:202211.00351V1 下载全文
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