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Practice Research of Smart Library in Ten Years: Progress, Dilemma and Outlet

Abstract: Purpose/Significance Combined with the practice research of samrt library in ten years, from the perspective of literature research combing, this paper analyzes the practice progress, predicament and explore the outlet of smart library in China.   Method/Process A comprehensive retrieval tool was used to search and screen the practical data of the smart library from 2013 to 2022. Through the extraction and integration of the data content, This paper reviews the practical progress of Chinese smart library in the past ten years from six dimensions, including smart service, smart management, smart space, smart librarian, new generation service platform, and supporting system, and analyzes the difficulties faced by the smart library to explore the outlet for future development. Result/Conclusion The research shows that the practice content of smart library in China involves a wide range of dimensions, diverse subject types, wide regional radiation and diverse application technology types, and has made certain practical progress. However, due to many problems in practice, the current construction of smart library is not systematic, in-depth and balanced enough, and falls into a dilemma of relative stagnation. Subsequent practical construction and theoretical research need to carry out targeted work and focus on the existing problems and dilemmas.

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[V1] 2023-03-21 18:56:02 ChinaXiv:202303.00198V1 Download
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