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A Study of Media Use by Fanfiction Users of LOFTER?

Abstract: Internet fanfiction is a kind of online literature created and read by fans, mainly teenagers. LOFTER is one of the major platforms for fanfiction in China. Based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory, this paper uses in-depth interviews and other methods to understand the motivation, attitude and behavior of� fanfiction users in using the LOFTER platform. It also tries to analyze the functional characteristics of the platform from the perspective of users, and then reflects on the utilization relationship between LOFTER and� fanfiction users. It is found that the platform mainly meets the information needs, self-realization needs, tool utilization needs and emotional communication needs of fanfiction users. However, the platform is also facing the specter of losing users due to issues such as censorship.

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[V1] 2023-03-24 18:13:37 ChinaXiv:202303.00779V1 Download
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