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Support mechanism for open sharing of public data

Abstract: The significance of open sharing of public data lies in achieving transparency in the inspection, use, and utilization of publicly funded project results. Through collaboration between science, academia, and industry, complementary advantages can be achieved, providing effective methods to address the common interests and social welfare challenges faced by academic institutions and industries. The responsible research and innovation policy in Europe advocates openness as a regional strategy for technological development to promote inclusive and sustainable research and innovation. Governments, universities, research institutions, and research funders in internationally advanced technology countries have realized the importance of open access to scientific and technological information, which is mainly reflected in the practice of scientific data management and sharing. The value and target selection of open utilization of public data may vary in different fields and practices, so it is necessary to evaluate and choose based on the needs of different fields and practices. The funding support for open sharing of public scientific data helps to effectively manage scientific data while maximizing the implementation of open sharing of scientific data. The policy of scientific data management plays an important role in promoting the new development of scientific research project management. The implementation of open sharing of public data usually adopts a hierarchical management model to ensure the maximum open sharing of data with the lowest risk. The open utilization of public data is of great value for improving national economic growth and social welfare.

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[V1] 2023-10-23 10:41:19 ChinaXiv:202310.03417V1 Download
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