• Eccentricities and Inclinations of Multi-Planet Systems with External Perturbers

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Compact multi-planet systems containing super-Earths or sub-Neptunes, commonly found around solar-type stars, may be surrounded by external giant planet or stellar companions, which can shape the architechture and observability of the inner systems. We present a comprehensive study on the evolution of the inner planetary system subject to the gravitational influence of an eccentric, misaligned outer perturber. Analytic results are derived for the inner planet eccentricities ($e_i$) and mutual inclination ($\theta_{12}$) of the "2-planet + perturber" system, calibrated with numerical secular and N-body integrations, as a function of the perturber mass $m_p$, semi-major axis $a_p$ and inclination angle $\theta_p$. We find that the dynamics of the inner system is determined by the dimensionless parameter $\epsilon_{12}$, given by the ratio between the differential precession rate driven by the perturber and the mutual precession rate of the inner planets. Loosely packed systems (corresponding to $\epsilon_{12} \gg 1$) are more susceptible to eccentricity/inclination excitations by the perturber than tightly packed inner systems (with $\epsilon_{12} \ll 1$) (or singletons), although resonance may occur around $\epsilon_{12}\sim 1$, leading to large $e_i$ and $\theta_{12}$. Dynamical instability may set in for inner planet systems with large excited eccentricities and mutual inclinations. We present a formalism to extend our analytical results to general inner systems with $N>2$ planets and apply our results to constrain possible external companions to the Kepler-11 system. Eccentricity and inclination excitation by external companions may help explain the observational trend that systems with fewer transiting planets are dynamically hotter than those with more transiting planets.

  • The Aligned Orbit of WASP-148b, the Only Known Hot Jupiter with a Nearby Warm Jupiter Companion, from NEID and HIRES

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present spectroscopic measurements of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for WASP-148b, the only known hot Jupiter with a nearby warm-Jupiter companion, from the WIYN/NEID and Keck/HIRES instruments. This is one of the first scientific results reported from the newly commissioned NEID spectrograph, as well as the second obliquity constraint for a hot Jupiter system with a close-in companion, after WASP-47. WASP-148b is consistent with being in alignment with the sky-projected spin axis of the host star, with $\lambda=-8^{\circ}.2^{{+8^{\circ}.7}}_{-9^{\circ}.7}$. The low obliquity observed in the WASP-148 system is consistent with the orderly-alignment configuration of most compact multi-planet systems around cool stars with obliquity constraints, including our solar system, and may point to an early history for these well-organized systems in which migration and accretion occurred in isolation, with relatively little disturbance. By contrast, previous results have indicated that high-mass and hot stars appear to more commonly host a wide range of misaligned planets: not only single hot Jupiters, but also compact systems with multiple super-Earths. We suggest that, to account for the high rate of spin-orbit misalignments in both compact multi-planet and isolated-hot-Jupiter systems orbiting high-mass and hot stars, spin-orbit misalignments may be caused by distant giant planet perturbers, which are most common around these stellar types.