• The Dark Energy Survey Year 3 high redshift sample: Selection, characterization and analysis of galaxy clustering

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The fiducial cosmological analyses of imaging galaxy surveys like the Dark Energy Survey (DES) typically probe the Universe at redshifts $z < 1$. This is mainly because of the limited depth of these surveys, and also because such analyses rely heavily on galaxy lensing, which is more efficient at low redshifts. In this work we present the selection and characterization of high-redshift galaxy samples using DES Year 3 data, and the analysis of their galaxy clustering measurements. In particular, we use galaxies that are fainter than those used in the previous DES Year 3 analyses and a Bayesian redshift scheme to define three tomographic bins with mean redshifts around $z \sim 0.9$, $1.2$ and $1.5$, which significantly extend the redshift coverage of the fiducial DES Year 3 analysis. These samples contain a total of about 9 million galaxies, and their galaxy density is more than 2 times higher than those in the DES Year 3 fiducial case. We characterize the redshift uncertainties of the samples, including the usage of various spectroscopic and high-quality redshift samples, and we develop a machine-learning method to correct for correlations between galaxy density and survey observing conditions. The analysis of galaxy clustering measurements, with a total signal-to-noise $S/N \sim 70$ after scale cuts, yields robust cosmological constraints on a combination of the fraction of matter in the Universe $\Omega_m$ and the Hubble parameter $h$, $\Omega_m h = 0.195^{+0.023}_{-0.018}$, and 2-3% measurements of the amplitude of the galaxy clustering signals, probing galaxy bias and the amplitude of matter fluctuations, $b \sigma_8$. A companion paper $\textit{(in preparation)}$ will present the cross-correlations of these high-$z$ samples with CMB lensing from Planck and SPT, and the cosmological analysis of those measurements in combination with the galaxy clustering presented in this work.

  • Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing using the MagLim lens sample

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Two of the most sensitive probes of the large scale structure of the universe are the clustering of galaxies and the tangential shear of background galaxy shapes produced by those foreground galaxies, so-called galaxy-galaxy lensing. Combining the measurements of these two two-point functions leads to cosmological constraints that are independent of the galaxy bias factor. The optimal choice of foreground, or lens, galaxies is governed by the joint, but conflicting requirements to obtain accurate redshift information and large statistics. We present cosmological results from the full 5000 sq. deg. of the Dark Energy Survey first three years of observations (Y3) combining those two-point functions, using for the first time a magnitude-limited lens sample (MagLim) of 11 million galaxies especially selected to optimize such combination, and 100 million background shapes. We consider two cosmological models, flat $\Lambda$CDM and $w$CDM. In $\Lambda$CDM we obtain for the matter density $\Omega_m = 0.320^{+0.041}_{-0.034}$ and for the clustering amplitude $S_8 = 0.778^{+0.037}_{-0.031}$, at 68% C.L. The latter is only 1$\sigma$ smaller than the prediction in this model informed by measurements of the cosmic microwave background by the Planck satellite. In $w$CDM we find $\Omega_m = 0.32^{+0.044}_{-0.046}$, $S_8=0.777^{+0.049}_{-0.051}$, and dark energy equation of state $w=-1.031^{+0.218}_{-0.379}$. We find that including smaller scales while marginalizing over non-linear galaxy bias improves the constraining power in the $\Omega_m-S_8$ plane by $31$% and in the $\Omega_m-w$ plane by $41$% while yielding consistent cosmological parameters from those in the linear bias case. These results are combined with those from cosmic shear in a companion paper to present full DES-Y3 constraints from the three two-point functions (3x2pt).

  • Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Constraints on extensions to $\Lambda$CDM with weak lensing and galaxy clustering

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We constrain extensions to the $\Lambda$CDM model using measurements from the Dark Energy Survey's first three years of observations and external data. The DES data are the two-point correlation functions of weak gravitational lensing, galaxy clustering, and their cross-correlation. We use simulated data and blind analyses of real data to validate the robustness of our results. In many cases, constraining power is limited by the absence of nonlinear predictions that are reliable at our required precision. The models are: dark energy with a time-dependent equation of state, non-zero spatial curvature, sterile neutrinos, modifications of gravitational physics, and a binned $\sigma_8(z)$ model which serves as a probe of structure growth. For the time-varying dark energy equation of state evaluated at the pivot redshift we find $(w_{\rm p}, w_a)= (-0.99^{+0.28}_{-0.17},-0.9\pm 1.2)$ at 68% confidence with $z_{\rm p}=0.24$ from the DES measurements alone, and $(w_{\rm p}, w_a)= (-1.03^{+0.04}_{-0.03},-0.4^{+0.4}_{-0.3})$ with $z_{\rm p}=0.21$ for the combination of all data considered. Curvature constraints of $\Omega_k=0.0009\pm 0.0017$ and effective relativistic species $N_{\rm eff}=3.10^{+0.15}_{-0.16}$ are dominated by external data. For massive sterile neutrinos, we improve the upper bound on the mass $m_{\rm eff}$ by a factor of three compared to previous analyses, giving 95% limits of $(\Delta N_{\rm eff},m_{\rm eff})\leq (0.28, 0.20\, {\rm eV})$. We also constrain changes to the lensing and Poisson equations controlled by functions $\Sigma(k,z) = \Sigma_0 \Omega_{\Lambda}(z)/\Omega_{\Lambda,0}$ and $\mu(k,z)=\mu_0 \Omega_{\Lambda}(z)/\Omega_{\Lambda,0}$ respectively to $\Sigma_0=0.6^{+0.4}_{-0.5}$ from DES alone and $(\Sigma_0,\mu_0)=(0.04\pm 0.05,0.08^{+0.21}_{-0.19})$ for the combination of all data. Overall, we find no significant evidence for physics beyond $\Lambda$CDM.