• B tensors and tensor complementarity problems

    分类: 数学 >> 控制和优化 提交时间: 2017-07-25

    摘要: In this paper, one of our main purposes is to prove the boundedness of solution set of tensor complementarity problem with B tensor such that the specific bounds only depend on the structural properties of tensor. To achieve this purpose, firstly, we present that each B tensor is strictly semi-positive and each B$_0$ tensor is semi-positive. Subsequencely, the strictly lower and upper bounds of different operator norms are given for two positively homogeneous operators defined by B tensor. Finally, with the help of the upper bounds of different operator norms, we show the strcitly lower bound of solution set of tensor complementarity problem with B tensor. Furthermore, the upper bounds of spectral radius and $E$-spectral radius of B (B$_0$) tensor are obtained, respectively, which achieves our another objective. In particular, such the upper bounds only depend on the principal diagonal entries of tensors.

  • Infinite and finite dimensional generalized Hilbert tensors

    分类: 数学 >> 数学(综合) 提交时间: 2017-07-03

    摘要: In this paper, we introduce the concept of an m-order n-dimensional generalized Hilbert tensor \mathcal{H}_{n}=(\mathcal{H}_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{m}}), \mathcal{H}_{i_{1}i_{2}\cdots i_{m}}=\frac{1}{i_{1}+i_{2}+\cdots i_{m}-m+a}, a\in \mathbb{R}\setminus\mathbb{Z}^-;\ i_{1},i_{2},\cdots,i_{m}=1,2,\cdots,n, and show that its H-spectral radius and its Z-spectral radius are smaller than or equal to M(a)n^{m-1} and M(a)n^{\frac{m}{2}}, respectively, here M(a) is a constant only dependent on a. Moreover, both infinite and finite dimensional generalized Hilbert tensors are positive definite for a\geq1. For an m-order infinite dimensional generalized Hilbert tensor $\mathcal{H}_{\infty} with a>0, we prove that \mathcal{H}_{\infty} defines a bounded and positively (m-1)-homogeneous operator from l^{1} into l^{p}\ (1展开 -->