• The effect of product traditional cultural load on brand status: Evidence from young consumers*

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-10-09 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Culture has important social attributes. Previous studies have shown that adding traditional cultural attributes to a product, i.e., increasing the product's cultural load, can improve consumers' evaluations of the product. However, it is unclear how this affects brand evaluations. We infer that adding traditional cultural attributes to a product may increase the perceived social value of the product and, in turn, improve consumers' evaluations of the status of the brand to which the product belongs. Furthermore, this positive effect may be stronger for utilitarian than for hedonic products.Four behavioral studies and one brain-imaging study were conducted. Study 1 used a one-factor design with traditional cultural load (low vs. high) as the between-participant factor to examine the main effect of the traditional cultural load on brand status evaluations. Study 2 used a 2 (traditional cultural load: low vs. high) × 2 (product type: utilitarian vs. hedonic) between-participant design to assess the boundary of the main effect. Study 3a and 3b adopted a one-factor between-participant design to confirm the uniqueness of traditional culture by comparing it with modern culture (high-modern culture vs. low-traditional culture vs. high-traditional culture) and traditional Western culture (high-traditional Western culture vs. low-traditional culture vs. high-traditional Chinese culture), respectively, and also to reveal a mediating role of perceived social value. Finally, Study 4 used a one-factor within-participant design (low traditional culture load vs. high traditional culture load) to confirm the main effect and the mediating role of perceived social value again in an offline experiment. In addition, brain activations of a subset of participants in Study 4 were also measured throughout the experiment using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. The results of Study 1 showed that increasing the traditional cultural load of a product can improve the perceived status of the brand. Study 2 found the boundary of this effect. Compared to hedonic product brands, utilitarian product brands are more likely to be affected by the traditional cultural load of products. Increasing the traditional cultural load helps to increase the status of utilitarian product brands. Furthermore, the results of Study 3 and Study 4 suggested that the positive effect of product traditional cultural load on brand status is mainly due to the increase in perceived social value. Study 4b found that only in the multi-person social scenario did brain regions associated with social and reward processing show higher levels of activation. Our theoretical contribution is threefold. First, this research deepens the understanding of the traditional cultural load of products and establishes the link between the traditional cultural load of products and brand status. Second, it unravels the influence of the social attributes of traditional culture on the social value of the product, making it a key mediator in explaining the increase in brand status. Third, we reveal the limitations of using traditional culture in brand management. In addition, our research findings have important practical implications for guiding domestic brands to enhance their brand status.

  • 员工网络建构行为的概念内涵及作用机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Networking behavior refers to employee’s behaviors that build, maintain, and use relationships to achieve work-related goals. Different from traditional social network research which primarily focuses on the decisive influence of network structure, research on networking behavior responds to the call of "individual agency" in the stream of social network research in recent years and holds the belief that employees can improve job performance and promote career management by taking the initiative to carry out networking behavior.Employee networking behavior is found to be endowed with the four characteristics: 1) goal-directed in performing networking behavior, 2) selective in deciding whom to network with, 3) composed of different stages such as relationship building, maintaining and using, and 4) reciprocity in exchanging with others during the networking process. Existing studies have further examined the antecedents and outcomes of employee networking behavior. Employee networking behavior have been found to be mainly affected by a wide range of antecedents across individual, organization and environment levels. In addition, employee networking behavior also affect the employee and the organization in a variety of positive and negative ways. However, in contrast to studies on antecedents, research focusing on the outcomes of employee networking behavior is still limited, providing room for further studies, particularly of the underlying mechanisms. Hence, we introduce resources, affect, network and exchange perspectives and make efforts to identify and summarize the influencing mechanisms of employee networking behavior.Based on resources and affect perspectives, previous studies have mostly focused on the outcomes of employees networking behavior. In addition to these two well-researched perspectives, we suggest to adopt network and exchange perspectives to depict the mechanisms in depth. According to the network perspective and the social network theory, networking behavior is likely to make an impact on the employee and the organization through changing employees’ network structures and assisting them in making use of the resources endowed by the positions they occupied. The exchange perspective introduces the dyadic relationship between "actor" and "partner" into the networking behavior research, breaking through the limitation that prior research solely considered the role of "actor". By doing so, the networking behavior research can enrich the analysis of moderating variables and deepen the conversation about the impact of networking behavior. Finally, considering the limitations of existing research on employee networking behavior, six future research directions that merit attention are proposed: 1) extending the examination of the negative impacts of employee networking behavior base on resources and affect perspectives and providing further research support for effective networking behavior management; 2) analyzing the dynamic relationship between employee networking behavior and social network and uncovering the mechanisms through which networking behavior takes effect based on network perspective; 3) expanding the research towards boundary conditions of the employee networking behavior based on exchange perspective; 4) integrating different theoretical perspectives to deepen the employee networking behavior research; 5) taking root in new contexts such as the enterprise social media platform to explore the characteristics and possible unique effects of online networking behavior; 6) adopting new methods to broaden the methods for measuring and researching employee networking behavior; for example, using unstructured data like texts and images to develop objective networking behavior measures, or introducing simulation methods like Agent-Based Modeling to explore how networking behavior affects both employees and their teams or organizations.

  • 品牌消费旅程中消费者的认知心理过程——神经营销学视角

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Brand consumption journey usually refers to the multi-dimensional (including cognition, emotion, feeling, behavior and brand relationship) response to brand consumption service. Revealing the cognitive psychological process of brand consumption journey is the focus and hot spot in the field of marketing. Based on the summary of the domestic and foreign research results involving brand marketing, consumer psychology and decision neuroscience, this paper divides the brand consumption journey into four stages: attention attraction, decision-making, consumption experience and brand loyalty. Meanwhile, this paper reveals the cognitive psychological process of consumers in the journey of brand consumption from two levels (consciousness and subconsciousness): in the stage of attention attraction, consumers process the perceived product information and form target attention through the perceptual pathway of the brain, and the activation degree of nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and anteriorinsula (AIns) can reflect consumers' attention to products, The N1 and P2 components of ERP are closely related to the formation of visual attention. The alpha ERD of ERO represents the formation of attention attraction and the allocation of early attention resources. In the decision-making stage, consumers form an estimate of the expected value of products in the striatum and other brain regions, and make a purchase decision after weighing it with the price. The P3 and SW components of ERP can reflect the confidence of decision-making, and the gamma ERS of ERO can reflect the decision-making process of value integration of product information. In the stage of consumption experience, consumers' emotional pleasure is reflected in the medial orbitofrontal cortex and other brain areas. Emotional changes will lead to changes in P2 and LPP amplitudes of ERP. Emotional experience is related to theta ERS, gamma ERS, delta ERS and alpha ERD of ERO. Finally, in the stage of brand loyalty, consumers conduct consumption learning based on the structure of striatum, caudate nucleus and hippocampus, and the results will lead to consumer loyalty (or disloyalty). The late positive component of 500~800 ms in ERP may be related to brand loyalty, while theta ERS in ERO may be related to consumer memory and product immersion experience, which reflects customer loyalty. Future research can further explore the representational meaning of different neural indicators in specific marketing situations, and analyze the neural coupling between multiple subjects by applying with hyperscanning technology.

  • 领导创造力期望对团队创造力的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Team creativity is becoming more and more essential for organizations to adapt to dynamically changing environment. Previous literature on team creativity was mainly focused on the impact of leadership behavior on employees’ creative motivation and subsequent creative performance. Less attention has been paid to employees’ cognitive response to leaders’ expectation on creativity. Therefore, based on normative reference group theory and process-oriented theory of knowledge emergence in teams, the current study attempted to examine the mediating effects of employees’ behaviors in response to supervisor’s creativity expectation (i.e., team knowledge exchange behavior and team boundary spanning behavior), and investigate the moderating role of supervisor’s creative role identity. Data was collected from 568 employees working in 116 teams from four IT and software companies in Beijing and Shenzhen, China. Three waves of data collection were conducted. In the first wave, participants were required to report their demographic information (e.g. age, gender, education, and tenure), and their perceptions of supervisors’ creativity expectation. In the second wave, participants assessed team knowledge exchange behavior and team boundary spanning behavior. In the third wave, team supervisors evaluated their own creative role identity and team creativity. We used Mplus 7.2 to estimate our hypothesized models.Results showed that: 1) supervisors’ creativity expectation was positively related to both team knowledge exchange behavior and team boundary spanning behavior. 2) Team knowledge exchange behavior was positively associated with team creativity, whereas the relationship between team boundary spanning behavior and team creativity was not significant. 3) Supervisors’ creative role identity significantly moderated the relationship between team boundary spanning behavior and team creativity. Specifically, when supervisors had high level of creative role identity, team boundary spanning behavior did not distract from team creativity, whereas when supervisors’ creative role identity was low, team boundary spanning behavior harmed team creativity. The moderating effect of supervisor’s creative role identity on the relationship between team knowledge exchange behavior and team creativity was not significant.The current study contributes to the literature of team creativity in several aspects. First, different from previous team creativity literature, this study demonstrated a cognitive model explaining how team leader’s creativity expectation influences team creativity. Second, this study extended the normative reference group theory by clarifying the roles of leader’s creativity expectation and creative role identity in enhancing team creativity. Specifically, our study implies that both of team knowledge exchange behavior and team boundary spanning behavior are both stimulated by team supervisors’ creativity expectation. More importantly, supervisors’ creative role identity plays an important role in mitigating the negative effects of team boundary spanning behavior on team creativity. Third, this study also contributed to the process-oriented theory of knowledge emergence in teams by demonstrating the essential role of leader in enhancing the collective process of creative knowledge learning and sharing. Accordingly, managerial implications regarding team creativity management are discussed. We suggest that supervisors in knowledge-intensive companies should always be a real creator to enhance team creativity.

  • 弗洛姆人本主义精神分析的启蒙价值

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Erich Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis theory integrated the basic elements of European cultural traditions, including rationalism, humanism, critical attitude, and Messianism. His main work was to analyze the people in his community and the society in which he lived, with the standards of rationalism and humanism and the methods of psychoanalytic psychology, and to explore the ways of achieving the ideal society and realizing human development. The essence of this work is enlightenment. As a humanistic philosopher in the 20th century, Fromm inherited the unfinished business from those enlightenment philosophers in the 17th and 18th centuries and opened up a way to solve the dilemma of existence debated by his contemporaries, which, in turn, helped modern people overcome the inertia of human nature (i.e., regression toward a child state) and move toward rationality and independence. Grounded in the sense of insecurity that modern people experienced, Fromm deeply analyzed the pathological mechanisms of authoritarianism, nationalism, and consumerism, and suggested a social reform program based on the principles of humanism. As mentioned, Fromm profoundly analyzed the psychological mechanisms and the consequences that modern people relied on to alleviate or even eliminate their sense of insecurity by embracing authoritarianism, nationalism, and consumerism. Those behaviors and the underlying psychological constructs are seemingly becoming more serious nowadays, which highlights the depth and foresight of Fromm’s theory. Inspired by his theory, researchers have conducted empirical studies on the relevant topics in Fromm’s psychology. The findings of those works provide new evidence supporting Fromm’s theory that the enlightenment values of his humanistic psychoanalysis are still practically significant for the solution to the challenges to human development in the 21st century. In his 40-year academic career, Fromm demonstrated how clearly and steadily his social values and personal academic missions were. Given his contributions, Fromm should be considered an enlightenment scholar. According to Immanuel Kant, enlightenment is defined as “man’s emergence from his self-incurred immaturity.” It is so convenient to be immature! Enlightenment requires that we know what we don’t know, discover what we haven’t discovered, exercise the right to criticism without any constraint, endure the loneliness of independence, and then think of ourselves as mature and responsible human beings. Only if the perfectibility of man indicated by philosophers exists and only if we human beings have room to improve will enlightenment continue to play its role in people’s self-realization and function as a premise of human development. Whether an independent person or human beings at large, self-growth never ends on one hand, and to overcome the regressive inertia of human nature never ends on the other. As long as this conflict exists, the task of enlightenment will never be completed, and, in this regard, Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis theory will continue to inspire people with its unique values and perspectives.

  • “增益”还是“损耗”?挑战性工作要求对工作-家庭增益的“双刃剑”影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: The balance of work and family has received widespread attention from managers and researchers in recent years. Previous research claims that job demand, as a kind of pressure felt by employees, reduces employees’ work motivation, increases employee fatigue and anxiety, and hinders work-family enrichment. However, different job demands (e.g., challenge demand and hindrance demand) have different effects on employees. Challenge demand, which gives individuals the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and promote personal growth, influences work-family enrichment in a complex way. However, few researches pay sufficient attention to the mechanism of the double-edged effect in the relationship between challenge demand and work-family enrichment. In addition, although scholarly research on job demand and work-family enrichment has increasingly focused on within-person fluctuations in recent years, how to examine the “dynamic” effects of challenge demand on work-family enrichment has received little attention. Therefore, based on conservation of resource theory and uncertainty management theory and from static and dynamic perspectives, we comprehensively examined the effects of challenge demand on work-family enrichment by clarifying the different attributes of challenge demand (daily level model, average level model, daily shift model, and variability model). We tested our hypothesis by conducting a diary study of 105 participations over 10 working days. Data were collected via a job demand scale, work absorption scale, relaxation scale, and work-family enrichment scale. First, we recorded control variables (gender, marital status, and spouse’s work status) during the weekends. Second, researchers collected daily data (challenge demand, hindrance demand, work absorption, relaxation, and work-family enrichment) from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. each workday. Ultimately, 645 valid data points at the within-person level were available for 81 participants. Using SPSS 24.0, Mplus 7.0, and R software, we conducted a multilevel path analysis to examine the theoretical model. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the validity of the key variables (challenge demand, work absorption, relaxation, and work-family enrichment), and the results confirmed that the present study had good discriminant validity. The results of multilevel path analysis showed that the following. (1) In the static model, challenge demand had double-edged sword effects on work-family enrichment at the within-person level (daily level model); in the average level model (between-person level), the average level of challenge demand positively predicted chronic work absorption and negatively predicted chronic relaxation, and the mediating effect of chronic relaxation was stronger than that of chronic work absorption. (2) In the dynamic model, directionality of daily shifts in challenge demand negatively affected daily work absorption and daily relaxation in the daily shift model (within-person level). Only the mediating role of daily relaxation was significant; in the variability model (between-person level), the variability level of challenge demand had a negative impact on chronic work absorption and chronic relaxation, and only the mediating role of chronic relaxation was significant. The study makes critical contributions both theoretically and practically. (1) The static model indicated that, through the gained and deleted paths, the double-edged sword effect of the relationship between daily challenge demand, average level of change demand, and work-family enrichment was significant. (2) Through the dynamic model, this study explored the negative effect of challenge demand fluctuations on work-family enrichment in two forms, namely, daily shift directionality and the variability of challenge demand. Practically, this study suggests that managers should fully recognize the double-edged sword effect of challenge demand.

  • “美男诱惑”真的奏效吗:男性代言女性产品对女性消费者产品评价的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Nowadays, using male spokesperson to endorse female-gender-imaged product has become an important advertising strategy and has penetrated into many female-gender-imaged products, especially thanks to celebrity influence. Does it really work? While previous research only combined with a certain degree of theory to explain the cross-gender endorsement phenomenon, this paper aims to explore the relationship between the gender of female-gender-imaged product spokesperson and female consumer's product evaluation through a quantitative approach. Specifically, we proposed that when male spokesperson endorses female-gender-imaged product, female consumers would significantly downgrade their evaluation of the products compared to female spokesperson, which is mediated by a sense of gender-identity threat. In addition, when the participants are manipulated to increase gender affirmation, the main effect would be strengthened. Study 1 used a single factor (gender of female-gender-imaged product spokesperson: male vs. female) between-subjects design. 145 female college students were invited to participate in this study. Participants were asked to imagine a billboard advertising a lipstick endorsed by male star or female star, and then evaluated this lipstick by a scale. We examined the main effect through this scenario that using male spokesperson to endorse female-gender-imaged product would decrease female consumers’ product evaluation. Study 2A used a similar between-subjects design. 119 female participants were recruited to imagine a billboard of obstetrics and gynecology hospital endorsed by male star or female star, and then evaluated this obstetrics and gynecology hospital as well as sense of gender-identity threat by scales. Study 2B invited 136 female college students to replicate the results of Study 2A, ruling out the alternative explanations of shyness and shame. Participants were asked to look at an underwear advertisement poster that used endorsement by a real celebrity. We repeated the results of Study 1 and confirmed the mediating effect of a sense of gender-identity threat with bootstrap test to clarify the underlying mechanism. Study 3 used a 2 (gender of female-gender-imaged product spokesperson: male vs. female) × 2 (gender affirmation: with vs. without) between-subjects design. 250 female Mturk workers participated in this study. In the gender affirmation condition, participants were asked to write about important qualities and values of women. In the control condition, participants were asked to list 20 everyday items that came to mind. Next, participants were told that they were browsing an online shopping platform and intended to buy underwear. They would see the underwear picture of a famous brand endorsed by a popular female star (vs. a popular male star) and then fill out the same product evaluation scale as above. We examined the interaction between gender of female-gender-imaged product spokesperson and gender affirmation. Specifically, when the female-gender-imaged product uses male endorsement, the product evaluation of the gender affirmation condition is lower than that of the control condition. Apart from the above, results from these studies were summarized and showed that both exclusivity and privacy of female-gender-imaged product have significant interaction effects on the relationship between spokesperson gender and product evaluation. In summary, this paper combines the theory of self-concept and identity consciousness to provide evidences for a mechanism between cross-gender endorsement and female consumer's product evaluation mediated by a sense of gender-identity threat, and the moderating effect of gender affirmation, expanding the downstream results of product gender attribute research and contributing to the practice of advertising field.

  • 员工网络建构行为的概念内涵及作用机制

    submitted time 2023-03-25 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Networking behavior refers to employee’s behaviors that build, maintain, and use relationships to achieve work-related goals. Different from traditional social network research which primarily focuses on the decisive influence of network structure, research on networking behavior responds to the call of "individual agency" in the stream of social network research in recent years and holds the belief that employees can improve job performance and promote career management by taking the initiative to carry out networking behavior.Employee networking behavior is found to be endowed with the four characteristics: 1) goal-directed in performing networking behavior, 2) selective in deciding whom to network with, 3) composed of different stages such as relationship building, maintaining and using, and 4) reciprocity in exchanging with others during the networking process. Existing studies have further examined the antecedents and outcomes of employee networking behavior. Employee networking behavior have been found to be mainly affected by a wide range of antecedents across individual, organization and environment levels. In addition, employee networking behavior also affect the employee and the organization in a variety of positive and negative ways. However, in contrast to studies on antecedents, research focusing on the outcomes of employee networking behavior is still limited, providing room for further studies, particularly of the underlying mechanisms. Hence, we introduce resources, affect, network and exchange perspectives and make efforts to identify and summarize the influencing mechanisms of employee networking behavior.Based on resources and affect perspectives, previous studies have mostly focused on the outcomes of employees networking behavior. In addition to these two well-researched perspectives, we suggest to adopt network and exchange perspectives to depict the mechanisms in depth. According to the network perspective and the social network theory, networking behavior is likely to make an impact on the employee and the organization through changing employees’ network structures and assisting them in making use of the resources endowed by the positions they occupied. The exchange perspective introduces the dyadic relationship between "actor" and "partner" into the networking behavior research, breaking through the limitation that prior research solely considered the role of "actor". By doing so, the networking behavior research can enrich the analysis of moderating variables and deepen the conversation about the impact of networking behavior. Finally, considering the limitations of existing research on employee networking behavior, six future research directions that merit attention are proposed: 1) extending the examination of the negative impacts of employee networking behavior base on resources and affect perspectives and providing further research support for effective networking behavior management; 2) analyzing the dynamic relationship between employee networking behavior and social network and uncovering the mechanisms through which networking behavior takes effect based on network perspective; 3) expanding the research towards boundary conditions of the employee networking behavior based on exchange perspective; 4) integrating different theoretical perspectives to deepen the employee networking behavior research; 5) taking root in new contexts such as the enterprise social media platform to explore the characteristics and possible unique effects of online networking behavior; 6) adopting new methods to broaden the methods for measuring and researching employee networking behavior; for example, using unstructured data like texts and images to develop objective networking behavior measures, or introducing simulation methods like Agent-Based Modeling to explore how networking behavior affects both employees and their teams or organizations.

  • 权力层级与团队绩效关系:权力与地位的一致与背离

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2018-12-04 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:本研究致力于探讨在权力与地位不一致的背景下, 权力层级与团队绩效研究的分歧。本研究提出权力层级与团队绩效的关系取决于团队的层级一致性——权力与地位的匹配度。具体地, 当层级一致(权力与地位匹配)时, 权力层级促进团队绩效; 当层级不一致(权力与地位不匹配)时, 权力层级抑制团队绩效。本研究结合问卷、实验和二手数据方法来验证假设, 研究1通过对46个大学生创业实践团队的两阶段问卷调查, 发现层级一致性对权力层级与团队绩效的关系具有调节作用。此后, 研究2通过一项涉及64个团队的实验来揭示因果关系, 发现权力争夺在权力层级和层级一致性的交互与团队绩效的关系中起中介作用。最后研究3通过203个观测值的互联网公司二手数据重复验证了层级一致性的调节作用, 并提升了本研究的生态效度。本研究为权力层级的研究做出了一定的贡献, 并为团队管理提供了启示。

  • 群体背景下的自我监控:对个体地位获取和群体任务绩效的积极效应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2018-09-07 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: 自我监控是与人际互动密切相关的人格特质。在群体建立和发展的过程中, 自我监控不仅影响个体的人际交往质量, 同时也作用于群体内部的互动; 并且, 自我监控的作用可能随着群体的发展而发生动态变化。为探究上述设想, 本研究针对32个大学新生寝室进行了一学期的跟踪调查。结果表明, 在个体层面, 个体自我监控水平促进群体成员对该个体的积极情感, 并进而间接促进其在群体中的地位获取(个体地位和友谊网络中心度); 在群体层面, 群体自我监控水平促进群体成员间的凝聚力, 并进而间接促进群体在合作中的绩效表现。此外, 个体自我监控水平对他人积极情感的影响存在时间效应, 具体而言, 其正向效应随着群体发展得到一定程度的增强。本研究揭示了自我监控对于个体和群体发生影响的机理, 对于自我监控理论以及地位等相关领域做出了一定的贡献。