• Goal, norm and spirit: The Connotation Construction and Inspiration of the Chinese Paradigm of Science Communication —— Center on the Chinese Association of Scientific Journals (1947-1950)

    Subjects: Digital Publishing >> Internet Journals submitted time 2024-03-14

    Abstract: Purposes To study the early practice and exploration of Chinese modernization in the scientific communication community, and to trace the historical origin and spiritual characteristics of the construction of the Chinese paradigm of the scientific communication system,and to provide the historical mirror and inject the spiritual core for the innovation and development of the independent knowledge system of scientific communication on the cultural foundation with Chinese characteristics.
    Methods Based on the connotation construction of science communication community, study the practical activities and related exchanges of promoting the editing and distribution of scientific journals, and analyze and summarize the construction of the connotation of the scientific journals in China.
    Findings China Association of Scientific Journal explored the paradigm construction of scientific journals from three aspects of system goal, code of conduct and spiritual temperament: requiring scientific journals to survive together and play the mission, adhere to Chinese standard and classification construction, pay and sow beliefs.
    Conclusions The organizational exploration of China Association of Scientific Journals was the conscious practice of Chinese scientists to the social role of scientists, and initially constructed the paradigm connotation of Chinese scientific journals.。Under the guarantee of the Social conditions of scientific nationalization and people’s science in new China, the Chinese paradigm of the scientific communication system has been implemented.