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  • A new combination and new synonym of Anna Pellegr.(Gesneriaceae)

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2024-03-26 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Since the establishment of Anna in 1930, the taxonomic revisions of this genus have been infrequent. Early publications and revisions of Anna were based on specimens collected by foreign missionaries, which led to problems such as brief or inaccurate descriptions of traits and unclear species definition. When researching publication history, comparing morphology and investigating type locality of Anna ophiorrhizoides (Hemsl.) B. L. Burtt & R. A. Davidson and A. rubidiflora S. Z. He, F. Wen & Y. G. Wei, we found that Didymocarpus cavaleriei H. Lév. published by H. Léveillé in 1911 and Anna rubidiflora are actually the same species, and Didymocarpus cavaleriei was treated as a synonym of Anna ophiorrhizoides. After comparing the morphological characteristics of multiple populations of A. ophiorrhizoides and A. rubidiflora, it was found that the difference in their morphological characteristics lies in the corolla. It is not appropriate to use differences in corolla color as boundaries for the classificatory units of species. Taking into account the morphological characteristics and geographical distribution characteristics, it is proposed to treat Anna rubidiflora as a variety of Anna ophiorrhizoides. According to the regulations and suggestions in the 2018 International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (Shenzhen Code), we propose a new combination and a name at new rank——Anna ophiorrhizoides (Hemsl.) B. L. Burtt & R. A. Davidson var. cavaleriei(H.Lév.)X. X. Bai & F. Wen, and treat Anna rubidiflora as the synonym of the new combination.

  • 石山苣苔属的潜在适生区特征及其环境驱动因子

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany submitted time 2022-10-27 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Petrocodon Hance was one of the famous ornamental flowers, but most of them were assessed as extremely dangerous (CR), or at least above vulnerable (VU) due to climate turbulence and strong interference of human activities. To reconstruct the temporal and spatial changes of the potential suitable areas of Petrocodon since the last interglacial period, and explore the response of the suitable areas to environmental changes, which provided theoretical guidance for the origin of Petrocodon, the study of geographical differentiation, the conservation of unique germplasm resources in China, and the development and utilization of gardens. In this paper, combined with 120 distribution records and 17 environmental variables, the optimal MaxEnt model and geographic information technology (ArcGis) were used to simulate the suitable areas and distribution pattern of Petrocodon in China and Indo-China Peninsula. Based on stepwise multiple linear regression analysis, redundancy analysis and Monte Carlo test, the dominant factors affecting the current geographical distribution of Petrocodon were evaluated. The results were as follows: (1) The prediction accuracy of the optimized MaxEnt model was high, and the AUC value was greater than 0.96. The potential suitable areas of Petrocodon for the present distribution are continuous from southwest China to northern Vietnam, scattered in central and southern China and blocky in northern Myanmar, of which the southern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in China was the most suitable. (2) The environmental variables which restrict the geographical distribution of Petrocodon included precipitation of the driest month (bio14), precipitation of the warmest quarter (bio18), precipitation of the wettest quarter (bio16), SD of the temperature seasonality (bio4), min temperature of the coldest month (bio6) and altitude (alt). (3) Under the climate change scenario, the expansion and contraction areas of the suitable habitat of Petrocodon were located in the north and northeast of the current potential distribution area, which were sensitive areas susceptible to climate change. During the last interglacial period, the suitable area of Petrocodon expanded on a large scale, but there was almost no suitable distribution area of Petrocodon in the dry and cold environment during the last glacial maximum. After that, with the aggravation of climate warming, the suitable habitats of Petrocodon increased rapidly to high latitudes, while the suitable habitat in low latitudes decreased. (4) The centroid position of the suitable area for Petrocodon migrated northwards from Yongfu County, Guangxi (110.10� E, 24.69� N) to Chengbu County, Hunan (110.29� E, 26.05� N). To sum up, global warming has a positive impact on the potential distribution area of Petrocodon, but extreme warming will cause the suitable habitat of Petrocodon to shrink, and the niche of Petrocodon will narrow. Southwest China to northern Vietnam, which has the advantage of mature karst landform, may be its main refuge.

  • 中国苦苣苔科植物濒危现状与多样性保护

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2022-07-05 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: There are a lot of endemic and narrowly distributed species in the family, Gesneriaceae, in China’s higher plants, 805 known species (including infraspecies, same as followings), belong to 45 genera, before December 31st, 2021, and mainly found from Southwest toward South China. Apart from a few species, most species in China are specifically tuned to the certain micro-habitats so that they are easily influenced becoming endangered status by the own factors and external factors. For better understanding the endangered risks of known species of Gesneriaceae in China, we re-assessed the IUCN red list categories of China’s Gesneriaceae taxa, and then calculated and analyzed the databased on consulting relevant literature and collecting the endangered data of new reported taxa in recent years, and coupling with detailed field investigations for Gesneriaceae in China. At the same time, relied on Gesneriad Committee of China Wild Plant Conservation Association, National Gesneriaceae Germplasm Resources Bank of GXIB and Gesneriad Conservation Center of China, we first created and formulated a new mode, which execute simultaneously new taxa discoveries and formal publications, assessments of the taxon’s endangered status, immediately launching conservation programs and new horticultural variety cultivations. Analysis results demonstrate that it is necessary to enhance the attention degree of protection of Gesneriaceae biodiversity by relevant government departments. Thus, we suggest: (1) To further strengthen the understanding for the urgency of protection of China's Gesneriaceae germplasm resource; (2) To conduct series of researches about rescuing conservation, ex & in-situ conservation, re-introduction in similar habitats and development for those groups in CR & EN categories; (3) To promote the development of breeding of new horticultural varieties of Gesneriaceae. All are the important base and essential precondition of Gesneriaceae biodiversity conservation.

  • 牛耳朵传粉生物学研究

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2021-04-29 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Primula Hance (Gesneriaceae) is a group that has attracted much attention in recent years. Its intricate species diversity and its endemic distribution among species have aroused great interest among taxonomists and botany researchers. Except for a few species, such as Primulina eburnea (Hance) Y. Z. Wang, most species have a very narrow distribution range, which belong to narrow distribution species or endemic species. In order to reveal the effects of the pollination biology and breeding system of P. eburnea on its reproductive process and colonization ability, we systematically studied the flowering phenology, the pollen and stigma viability, the species and visiting behavior of flower visiting insects, the pollen ovule ratio, the OCI index and the seed setting rate of manipulated pollination of P. eburnea. Besides, we explored whether its reproductive processes such as pollination had a positive effect on the spread of P. eburnea. The results showed that the natural flowering stage of P. eburnea was from March to May, and the entire flowering stage was about 45 days. Its full flowering stage was about 20 days, and the single flower flowering stage was 6–8 days. Pollens had the strongest viability 1–2 days after flowering, stigma did not have receptivity before flowering. The pollen ovule ratio was 537, and the hybridization index was 5. Bagged and emasculation could not bear fruit, which indicated that this species did not have apomixis. Compared with natural pollination, the seed setting rate of hand self-pollination was slightly lower, and the seed setting rate of hand xenogamy was slightly higher, which indicated self-compatibility. The main pollinators of P. eburnea were Anthophora florea and Bombus sp. Therefore, higher nectar volume, larger pollen amount and stronger pollen viability of P. eburnea were obviously beneficial for it to complete the entire process of pollination and reproduction. This result was obviously conducive to the colonization of P. eburnea and then widely spread in the karst areas of South China to Southwest China.

  • 中国苦苣苔科植物新资料——小花线柱苣苔

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2020-08-02 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:该文报道了产自西藏自治区墨脱县境内的线柱苣苔属(Rhynchotechum)中国分布新记录——小花线柱苣苔(R. parviflorum Blume)。该种常生长在林中溪流附近的崖壁以及次生林下阴湿生境中。本种主要辨别特征为叶基本对生,花萼裂片被绢毛,花梗被黄褐色绒毛,花冠筒较小,子房具短柔毛,果无毛至微柔毛。印度学者于􀀁2020 年记载为印度新分布,而原始文献中记录的凭证标本采集点位于中国西藏自治区墨脱县境内,故对原文记述的产地信息提出质疑。同时,在前人的研究中部分馆藏的线柱苣苔属植物标本被认定为本种,在此一并提出该种在中国的分布地理信息和详细描述。

  • 钙盐及模拟干旱互作对大花套唇苣苔种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2020-08-02 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:苦苣苔科原大花旋蒴苣苔(Boea clarkeana)为我国特有的复苏植物,在最近的修订中被并入套唇苣苔属(Damrongia Kerr),更名为大花套唇苣苔(D. clarkeana )。本研究以大花套唇苣苔成熟种子为试验材料,通过观察钙盐和模拟干旱互作试验对其种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,以期探究该植物对喀斯特特殊生境的适应机制。结果表明:钙盐及模拟干旱互作时,低浓度钙盐可减轻干旱对种子萌发和幼苗生长的抑制作用,并且低程度的干旱与低浓度的钙盐相互作用时反而会促进种子萌发和幼苗生长;低钙盐低旱复合条件对大花套唇苣苔生长的促进作用也体现了该物种对喀斯特地区保水性差的石灰岩土壤基质的专适性,也避免了和其他植物直接生态位的竞争。

  • 苦苣苔科植物Lysionotus bijantiae的名实订正

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2020-03-06 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:通过查阅相关文献和标本,我们发现近期发表的苦苣苔科吊石苣苔属植物一新种——Lysionotus bijantiae D. Borah & A. Joe 实为鉴定错误,应是汉克苣苔属的长圆叶汉克苣苔(Henckelia oblongifolia (Roxb.) D.J.Middleton & Mich. Möller) [原长圆叶唇柱苣苔Chiritaoblongifolia (Roxb.) Sinclair] 。因此, 我们将Lysionotus bijantiae 处理为Henckeliaoblongifolia 的新异名,同时我们也提供了吊石苣苔属和汉克苣苔属的的区分方法和主要识别特征。

  • 越南苦苣苔科植物国家级分布新纪录——大苞漏斗苣苔

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2018-09-07 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Raphiocarpus Chun is a small genus includes all species from southern and southwestern China to northern and central Vietnam. However, there are only three species can be found in both countries formerly. R. begoniifolius (L関l.) Burtt was once considered as an endemic species of China, and it is distributed in China (northwestern Guangxi, southwestern Guizhou, southeastern Yunnan and northwestern Hubei), but there is not reported on flora of Vietnam. This species is here reported as the first record for the flora of Vietnam, so it makes the codistributed species number of Raphiocarpus in both countries has been risen from three to four.