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  • Research on observable frequency band analysis of solar radio current in L-band based on Simple Thresholding and CUSUM joint algorithm

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2022-09-19 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract: L-band solar radio burst is a potential influencing factor of navigation system instability, through the L-band precision solar current volume monitoring can be found in real time solar burst interference navigation events, for this reason Yunnan Astronomical Observatory headquarters intends to establish an L-band multi-frequency point solar radio monitoring system. An effective assessment of the radio environment is essential for the stable access to observational data from the monitoring system. This paper introduces the radio monitoring readiness study of the monitoring platform, and conducts a 100-hour test of the L-band radio environment in the Fenghuangshan area of the Headquarters of the Yunnan Astronomical Observatory. In this paper, an algorithm based on the improved threshold of Simple Thresholding algorithm and CUSUM algorithm is proposed, and 7 radio passbands with less 5MHz radio interference between the Beidou B1, B2, B3 frequency points, GPS L1 and L2 frequency points are selected, namely 1551MHz~1555 MHz, 1596MHz~1600MHz, 1161MHz~1165MHz, 1221MHz~1225MHz, respectively. 1246MHz~1250MHz, 1291MHz~1295MHz, 1231MHz~1235MHz, its cleanliness rates are 98.329%, 98.301%, 98.315%, 98.335%, 98.224%, 97.650%, 98.260%, all of which meet the needs of solar observation. It provides a basis for the next step of receiver design and signal processing.

  • 比值校正法在射电频谱中的应用

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2020-04-20 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》


  • 低频射电天线数字终端的设计与实现

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2017-10-20 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》

    Abstract:自天文观测进入全波段观测时代以来,全波段中的低频射电信号是新的重要观测波段以及研究窗口。鉴于此波段的信息对于研究太阳以及行星的射电爆发具有重要意义,并且人类对此频段的研究几乎处于空白状态,现在欧美一些国家以及我国都已经适时地开启了相关研究。目前中国科学院云南天文台已经开启了此项目的建设,现已有4台低频射电天线可以测试使用。其低频射电天线阵可以和云南天文台已有的lOm太阳射电望远镜以及 11 m太阳射电望远镜配合使用,用于更精确地观测太阳或者其他行星的射电信息。设计首先由A/D板卡接收来自低频射电天线的低频天文信号,接着A/D板卡把转换的数字信号以差分信号的形式传至现场可编程门阵列板卡;现场可编程门阵列对数据整合处理,通过异步先入先出队列( First Input First Output, FIFO)跨时钟域的形式把数据通过千兆以太网以UDP协议的形式传至PC端;然后PC端设计的软件对传输来的数据做加窗和快速傅里叶变换处理并显示。

  • 基于高性能芯片的射电天文厘米一分米波谱线观测方法

    Subjects: Astronomy >> Astrophysical processes submitted time 2017-09-26 Cooperative journals: 《天文研究与技术》
