您选择的条件: Yong Xu
  • Large Field Polynomial Inflation: Parameter Space, Predictions and (Double) Eternal Nature

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Simple monomial inflationary scenarios have been ruled out by recent observations. In this work we revisit the next simplest scenario, a single--field model where the scalar potential is a polynomial of degree four which features a concave ``almost'' saddle point. We focus on trans--Planckian field values. We reparametrize the potential, which greatly simplifies the procedure for finding acceptbale model parameters. This allows for the first comprehensive scan of parameter space consistent with recent Planck and BICEP/Keck 2018 measurements. Even for trans--Planckian field values the tensor--to--scalar ratio $r$ can be as small as $\mathcal{O}(10^{-8})$, but the model can also saturate the current upper bound. In contrast to the small--field version of this model, radiative stability does not lead to strong constraints on the parameters of the inflaton potential. For very large field values the potential can be approximated by the quartic term; as well known, this allows eternal inflation even for field energy well below the reduced Planck mass $M_{\rm Pl}$, with Hubble parameter $H \sim 10^{-2} M_{\rm Pl}$. More interestingly, we find a region of parameter space that even supports {\em two phases of eternal inflation}. The second epoch only occurs if the slope at the would--be saddle point is very small, and has $H \sim 10^{-5} M_{\rm Pl}$; it can only be realized if $r \sim 10^{-2}$, within the sensitivity range of next--generation CMB observations.

  • Detectable Gravitational Wave from Graviton Bremsstrahlung during Reheating

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We revisit graviton production via Bremsstrahlung from the decay of the inflaton during inflationary reheating. Using two complementary computational techniques, we first show that such 3-body differential decay rates differ from previously reported results in the literature. We then compute the stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background that forms during the period of reheating, when the inflaton perturbatively decays with the radiative emission of gravitons. By computing the number of relativistic degrees of freedom in terms of $\Delta N_\text{eff}$, we constrain the resulting GW energy density from BBN and CMB. Finally, we project current and future GW detector sensitivities in probing such a stochastic GW background, which typically peaks in the GHz to THz ballpark, opening up the opportunity to be detected with microwave cavities and space-based GW detectors.

  • WIMPs during Reheating

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are among the best-motivated dark matter candidates. In the standard scenario where the freeze-out occurs well after the end of inflationary reheating, they are in tension with the severe experimental constraints. Here, we investigate the thermal freeze-out of WIMPs occurring {\it during} reheating, while the inflaton $\phi$ coherently oscillates in a generic potential $\propto \phi^n$. Depending on the value of $n$ and the spin of the inflaton decaying products, the evolution of the radiation and inflaton energy densities can show distinct features, therefore, having a considerable impact on the freeze-out behavior of WIMPs. As a result of the injection of entropy during reheating, the parameter space compatible with the observed DM relic abundance is enlarged. In particular, the WIMP thermally averaged annihilation cross-section can be several magnitudes lower than that in the standard case. Finally, we discuss the current bounds from dark matter indirect detection experiments, and explore future challenges and opportunities.

  • Mutation in the gene encoding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 4 (CitACS4) led to andromonoecy in watermelon

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 >> 植物生物化学、植物生物物理学 提交时间: 2016-05-03

    摘要: Although it has been reported previously that ethylene plays a critical role in sex determination in cucurbit species, how the andromonoecy that carries both the male and hermaphroditic flowers is determined in watermelon is still unknown. Here we showed that the watermelon gene 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 4 (CitACS4), expressed specifically in carpel primordia, determines the andromonoecy in watermelon. Among four single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) and one InDel identified in the coding region of CitACS4, the C364W mutation located in the conserved box 6 was co-segregated with andromonoecy. Enzymatic analyses showed that the C364W mutation caused a reduced activity in CitACS4. We believe that the reduced CitACS4 activity may hamper the programmed cell death in stamen primordia, leading to the formation of hermaphroditic flowers.