您选择的条件: Zhao-Yu Li
  • The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. X. Bulges in Stellar Mass-based Scaling Relations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We measure optical colors for the bulges of 312 disk galaxies from the Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey and convert their previously available $R$-band structural parameters to stellar mass parameters. We also measure their average stellar mass surface density in the central 1 kpc ($\Sigma_{1}$). Comparing the mass-based Kormendy relation with the original one based on flux, we find that the majority of the classifications into classical and pseudo bulges, as well as their overall statistical properties, remain essentially unchanged. While the bulge type classifications of the Kormendy relation are robust against stellar population effects, the mass-based classification criteria do produce better agreement between bulge structural properties and their stellar populations. Moreover, the mass-based Kormendy relation reveals a population of ultra-dense bulges akin to high-$z$ compact early-type galaxies, which are otherwise hidden in the original Kormendy relation. These bulges are probably relics of spheroids assembled in the early Universe, although for some we cannot rule out some contribution from secular growth. We confirm previous studies that $\Sigma_1$ correlates well with bulge surface densities.

  • Metallicity Properties of the Galactic Bulge Stars Near and Far: Expectations from the Auriga Simulation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Using the high resolution Milky Way-like model from Auriga simulation we study the chemical properties of the Galactic bulge, focusing on the metallicity difference between stars on the near side (in front of the Galactic center) and the far side (behind the Galactic center). In general, along certain sight lines the near side is more metal-rich than the far side, consistent with the negative vertical metallicity gradient of the disk, since the far side is located higher above the disk plane than the near side. However, at the region $l<0^\circ$ and $|b|\le6^\circ$, the near side is even more metal-poor than the far side, and their difference changes with the Galactic longitude. This is mainly due to the fact that stars around the minor axis of the bar are more metal-poor than those around the major axis. Since the bar is tilted, in the negative longitude region, the near side is mainly contributed by stars close to the minor axis region than the far side to result in such metallicity difference. We extract stars in the X-shape structure by identifying the overdensities in the near and far sides. Their metallicity properties are consistent with the results of the whole Galactic bulge. The boxy/peanut-shaped bulge can naturally explain the metallicity difference of the double red clump stars in observation. There is no need to involve a classical bulge component with different stellar populations.