您选择的条件: Zhicheng He
  • Asymmetric eROSITA bubbles as the evidence of a circumgalactic medium wind

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The eROSITA bubbles are detected via the instrument with the same name. The northern bubble shows noticeable asymmetric features, including distortion to the west and enhancement in the eastern edge, while the southern counterpart is significantly dimmer. Their origins are debated. Here, we performed hydrodynamic simulations showing that asymmetric eROSITA bubbles favor a dynamic, circumgalactic medium wind model, but disfavor other mechanisms such as a non-axisymmetric halo gas or a tilted nuclear outflow. The wind from the east by north direction in Galactic coordinates blows across the northern halo with a velocity of about 200 km s$^{-1}$, and part of it enters the southern halo. This creates a dynamic halo medium and redistributes both density and metallicity within. This naturally explains the asymmetric bubbles in both the morphology and surface brightness. Our results suggest that our Galaxy is accreting low-abundance circumgalactic medium from one side while providing outflow feedback.

  • The detections of inflowing gas from narrow absorption lines at the parsec scale

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Inflows at the dusty torus and smaller scales is crucial to investigate the process of supermassive black hole accretion. However, only few cases of inflowing gas at small scales have been reported through redshifted broad absorption lines so far. Here we report 9 redshifted narrow absorption lines (NALs) of $\rm Mg^+$ ions with inflowing speeds of 1071 -- 1979 km/s, which are likely along the directions close to the axes of accretion disks. The quasars showing inflowing Mg II NALs have on average slightly smaller Eddington ratios when compared to the sources with outflow Mg II NALs. The upper limits of locations of the detected NALs are at parsec scale, around the distances of dusty tori to central SMBHs. The one possible origin of these infalling NALs is from dusty tori. Of course, these infalling NALs can also be naturally explained by chaotic cold accretion resulted from the nonlinear interaction of active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets with the interstellar medium, and these cold gaseous blobs may originally precipitate in metal-rich trailing outflows uplifted by AGN jet ejecta. The infalling NALs may thus provide direct evidence for cold gas precipitation and accretion in AGN feedback processes, and provide the direct evidence of inflowing gas along the directions close to quasar jets and at parsec scale. It does not matter whether these infalling NALs are from the dusty tori or the interaction of AGN jets with the ISM, the infalling NALs cannot provide sufficient fuels to power the quasars.

  • Evidence for the connection between star formation rate and evolutionary phases of quasars

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Both theory and observations suggest that outflows driven by an active central supermassive black hole (SMBH) has a feedback effect on shaping the global properties of the host galaxy. However, whether feedback from the outflow is effective, and if so, whether it is positive or negative, has long been controversial. Here, using the latest catalog from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we use the flux ratio of the [O II] to [Ne V] emission lines as a proxy to compare the star formation rate (SFR) in the hosts of quasars with different types of broad absorption lines (BALs): low-ionization (Lo)BAL, high-ionization (Hi)BAL, and non-BAL. We find that SFR decreases from LoBAL to HiBAL quasars, and then increases from HiBAL to non-BAL quasars. Assuming that the sequence of LoBAL to HiBAL to non-BAL represents evolution, our results are consistent with a quenching and subsequent rebound of star formation in quasar host galaxies. This phenomenon can be explained that the SFR is suppressed by the outflow, which then rebounds once the outflow disappears as the quasars evolve from HiBALs to non-BALs. Our result suggests that the quasar outflow has a negative global feedback on galaxy evolution.

  • Transient obscuration event captured in NGC~3227 II. Warm absorbers and obscuration events in archival XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The relation between warm absorber (WA) outflows of AGN and nuclear obscuration activities caused by optically-thick clouds (obscurers) crossing the line of sight is unclear. NGC 3227 is a suitable target to study the properties of both WAs and obscurers, because it matches the following selection criteria: WAs in both ultraviolet (UV) and X-rays, suitably variable, bright in UV and X-rays, good archival spectra for comparing with the obscured spectra. To investigate WAs and obscurers of NGC~3227, we used a broadband spectral-energy-distribution model built in our Paper I and the photoionization code of SPEX software to fit archival XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations in 2006 and 2016. Using unobscured observations, we find four WAs with different ionization states (log$\xi$ [erg cm/s]~-1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0). The highest-ionization WA has a higher hydrogen column density (~$10^{22}$/cm$^2$) than the other three WAs (~$10^{21}$/cm$^2$). Their outflow velocities range from 100 to 1300 km/s, and show a positive correlation with the ionization parameter. These WAs are estimated to be between the outer broad-line-region (BLR) and the narrow line region. Besides, we find an X-ray obscuration event in 2006, which was missed by previous studies. It can be explained by a single obscurer. We also study the previously published obscuration event in 2016, which needs two obscurers in the fit. A high-ionization obscurer (log$\xi$~2.80; covering factor $C_f$~30%) only appears in 2016, which has a high column density (~$10^{23}$/cm$^2$). A low-ionization obscurer (log$\xi$~1.0-1.9; $C_f$~20%-50%) exists in both 2006 and 2016, which has a lower column density (~$10^{22}$/cm$^2$). These obscurers are estimated to be in the BLR by their crossing time of transverse motions. The obscurers and WAs of NGC 3227 have different distances and number densities, which indicate that they might have different origins.

  • Exploring the Fundamental Mechanism in Driving Highest-velocity Ionized Outflows in Radio AGNs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the ionized gas kinematics relationship with X-ray, radio and accreting properties using a sample of 348 nearby ($z < 0.4$) SDSS-FIRST-X-ray detected AGNs. X-ray properties of our sample are obtained from XMM-$Newton$, $Swift$ and $Chandra$ observations. We unveil the ionized gas outflows in our sample manifested by the non-gravitational broad component in [OIII] $\lambda$5007$\overset{\circ}{A}$. emission line profiles. From the comparison of the correlation of non-parametric outflow velocities (i.e., the velocity width, the maximal velocity of outflow and line dispersion) with X-ray luminosity and radio luminosity, we find that outflow velocities have similarly positive {correlations} with both X-ray and radio luminosity. After correcting for the gravitational component, we find that the [OIII] velocity dispersion normalized by stellar mass also increases with both X-ray luminosity and radio luminosity. We also find that for a given X-ray (radio) luminosity, radio (X-ray) luminous AGNs have higher outflow velocities than non-radio (non-X-ray) luminous AGNs. Therefore, we find no clear preference between X-ray luminosity and radio luminosity in driving high-velocity ionized outflows and conclude that both AGN activity and small-scale jets contribute comparably. Moreover, there is no evidence that our obscured AGNs are preferentially associated with higher velocity outflows. Finally, we find a turning point around log$(\lambda_{Edd}) \simeq -1.3$ when we explore the dependency of outflow velocity on Eddington ratio. It can be interpreted considering the role of high radiation pressure (log$(\lambda_{Edd}) \gtrsim -1.3$) in drastic reduction in the covering factor of the circumnuclear materials.

  • The Deviation of the Broad-line Region Size Between Reverberation Mapping and Spectroastrometry

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The combination of the linear size from reverberation mapping (RM) and the angular distance of the broad line region (BLR) from spectroastrometry (SA) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) can be used to measure the Hubble constant $H_0$. Recently, Wang et al. (2020) successfully employed this approach and estimated $H_0$ from 3C 273. However, there may be a systematic deviation between the response-weighted radius (RM measurement) and luminosity-weighted radius (SA measurement), especially when different broad lines are adopted for size indicators (e.g., \hb\ for RM and \pa\ for SA). Here we evaluate the size deviations measured by six pairs of hydrogen lines (e.g., \hb, \ha\ and \pa) via the locally optimally emitting cloud (LOC) models of BLR. We find that the radius ratios $K$(=$R_{\rm SA}$/$R_{\rm RM}$) of the same line deviated systematically from 1 (0.85-0.88) with dispersions between 0.063-0.083. Surprisingly, the $K$ values from the \pa(SA)/\hb(RM) and \ha(SA)/\hb(RM) pairs not only are closest to 1 but also have considerably smaller uncertainty. Considering the current infrared interferometry technology, the \pa(SA)/\hb(RM) pair is the ideal choice for the low redshift objects in the SARM project. In the future, the \ha(SA)/\hb(RM) pair could be used for the high redshift luminous quasars. These theoretical estimations of the SA/RM radius pave the way for the future SARM measurements to further constrain the standard cosmological model.

  • A quasar shedding its dust cocoon at redshift 2

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present the first near-IR spectroscopy and joint analyses of multi-wavelength observations for SDSS J082747.14+425241.1, a dust-reddened, weak broad emission-line quasar (WLQ) undergoing a remarkable broad absorption line (BAL) transformation. The systemic redshift is more precisely measured to be $z=2.070\pm0.001$ using H$\beta$ compared to $z=2.040\pm0.003$ using \mgiifrom the literature, signifying an extreme \mgii\ blueshift of $2140\pm530$ \kms\ relative to H$\beta$. Using the H$\beta$-based single-epoch scaling relation with a systematic uncertainty of 0.3 dex, its black hole (BH) mass and Eddington ratio are estimated to be $M_{\rm BH}\sim6.1\times10^8M_\odot$ and $\lambda_{\rm Edd}\sim0.71$, indicative of being in a rapidly accreting phase. Our investigations confirm the WLQ nature and the LoBAL$\rightarrow$HiBAL transformation, along with a factor of 2 increase in the \mgii+\feii\ emission strength and a decrease of 0.1 in $E(B-V)$ over two decades. The kinetic power of this LoBAL wind at $R\sim$15 pc from its BH is estimated to be $\sim$43\% of the Eddington luminosity, sufficient for quasar feedback upon its host galaxy albeit with an order-of-magnitude uncertainty. This quasar provides a clear example of the long-sought scenario where LoBAL quasars are surrounded by dust cocoons, and wide-angle nuclear winds play a key role in the transition for red quasars evolving into the commonly seen blue quasars.

  • Evidence for quasar fast outflows being accelerated at the scale of tens of parsecs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quasar outflows may play a crucial role in regulating the host galaxy, although the spatial scale of quasar outflows remain a major enigma, with their acceleration mechanism poorly understood. The kinematic information of outflow is the key to understanding its origin and acceleration mechanism. Here, we report the galactocentric distances of different outflow components for both a sample and an individual quasar. We find that the outflow distance increases with velocity, with a typical value from several parsecs to more than one hundred parsecs, providing direct evidence for an acceleration happening at a scale of the order of 10 parsecs. These outflows carry ~1% of the total quasar energy, while their kinematics are consistent with a dust driven model with a launching radius comparable to the scale of a dusty torus, indicating that the coupling between dust and quasar radiation may produce powerful feedback that is crucial to galaxy evolution.

  • Asymmetric eROSITA bubbles as the evidence of a circumgalactic medium wind

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The eROSITA bubbles are detected via the instrument with the same name. The northern bubble shows noticeable asymmetric features, including distortion to the west and enhancement in the eastern edge, while the southern counterpart is significantly dimmer. Their origins are debated. Here, we performed hydrodynamic simulations showing that asymmetric eROSITA bubbles favor a dynamic, circumgalactic medium wind model, but disfavor other mechanisms such as a non-axisymmetric halo gas or a tilted nuclear outflow. The wind from the east by north direction in Galactic coordinates blows across the northern halo with a velocity of about 200 km s$^{-1}$, and part of it enters the southern halo. This creates a dynamic halo medium and redistributes both density and metallicity within. This naturally explains the asymmetric bubbles in both the morphology and surface brightness. Our results suggest that our Galaxy is accreting low-abundance circumgalactic medium from one side while providing outflow feedback.

  • Density profile of ambient circumnuclear medium in Seyfert 1 galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The shape of the ambient circumnuclear medium (ACM) density profile can probe the history of accretion onto the central supermassive black hole in galaxies and the circumnuclear environment. However, due to the limitation of the instrument resolution, the density profiles of the ACM for most of galaxies remain largely unknown. In this work, we propose a novel method to measure the ACM density profile of active galactic nucleus (AGN) by the equilibrium between the radiation pressure on the warm absorbers (WAs, a type of AGN outflows) and the drag pressure from the ACM. We study the correlation between the outflow velocity and ionization parameter of WAs in each of the five Seyfert 1 galaxies (NGC 3227, NGC 3783, NGC 4051, NGC 4593, and NGC 5548), inferring that the density profile of the ACM is between n\propto r^-1.7 and n \propto r^-2.15 (n is number density and r is distance) from 0.01 pc to pc scales in these five AGNs. Our results indicate that the ACM density profile in Seyfert 1 galaxies is steeper than the prediction by the spherically symmetric Bondi accretion model and the simulated results of the hot accretion flow, but more in line with the prediction by the standard thin disk model.