您选择的条件: Yiqi Huang
  • N-body simulations, halo mass functions, and halo density profile in $f(T)$ gravity

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We perform N-body simulations for $f(T)$ gravity using the ME-Gadget code, in order to investigate for the first time the structure formation process in detail. Focusing on the power-law model, and considering the model-parameter to be consistent within 1$\sigma$ with all other cosmological datasets (such as SNIa, BAO, CMB, CC), we show that there are clear observational differences between $\Lambda$CDM cosmology and $f(T)$ gravity, due to the modifications brought about the latter in the Hubble function evolution and the effective $Newton\prime s$ constant. We extract the matter density distribution, matter power spectrum, counts-in-cells, halo mass function and excess surface density (ESD) around low density positions (LDPs) at present time. Concerning the matter power spectrum we find a difference from $\Lambda$CDM scenario, which is attributed to about 2/3 to the different expansion and to about 1/3 to the effective gravitational constant. Additionally, we find a difference in the cells, which is significantly larger than the Poisson error, which may be distinguishable with weak-lensing reconstructed mass maps. Moreover, we show that there are different massive halos with mass $M>10^{14}M_{\odot}/h$, which may be distinguishable with statistical measurements of cluster number counting, and we find that the ESD around LDPs is mildly different. In conclusion, high-lighting possible smoking guns, we show that large scale structure can indeed lead us to distinguish General Relativity and $\Lambda$CDM cosmology from $f(T)$ gravity.

  • Halo Properties and Mass Functions of Groups/Clusters from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys DR9

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Based on a large group/cluster catalog recently constructed from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys DR9 using an extended halo-based group finder, we measure and model the group-galaxy weak lensing signals for groups/clusters in a few redshift bins within redshift range $0.1 \leqslant z<0.6$. Here, the background shear signals are obtained based on the DECaLS survey shape catalog derived with the \textsc{Fourier\_Quad} method. We divide the lens samples into 5 equispaced redshift bins and 7 mass bins, which allow us to probe the redshift and mass dependence of the lensing signals and hence the resulting halo properties. In addition to these sample selections, we have also checked the signals around different group centers, e.g., brightest central galaxy (BCG), luminosity weighted center and number weighted center. We use a lensing model that includes off-centering to describe the lensing signals we measure for all mass and redshift bins. The results demonstrate that our model predictions for the halo masses, bias and concentrations are stable and self-consistent among different samples for different group centers. Taking advantage of the very large and complete sample of groups/clusters, as well as the reliable estimation of their halo masses, we provide measurements of the cumulative halo mass functions up to redshift $z=0.6$, with a mass precision at $0.03\sim0.09$ dex.