您选择的条件: C. Kevin Xu
  • Searching for low-redshift faint galaxies with MMT/Hectospec

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We present redshifts for 2753 low-redshift galaxies between $0.03 \lesssim z_{\rm spec}\lesssim0.5$ with 18 $\leq$ $r$ $\leq$ 22 obtained with Hectospec at the Multi-Mirror Telescope (MMT). The observations targeted the XMM-LSS, ELAIS-N1 and DEEP2-3 fields, each of which covers $\sim$ 1 deg$^2$. These fields are also part of the recently completed CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (CLAUDS) and on-going Hyper Suprime-Cam deep fields surveys. The efficiency of our technique for selecting low-redshift galaxies is confirmed by the redshift distribution of our sources. In addition to redshifts, these high S/N spectra are used to measure ages, metallicities, and nuclear activity levels. In combination with the photometric catalogue in $u$, $g$, $r$, $i$, $z$, $y$ down to 27 AB mag, we are able to study the galaxy population down to stellar masses of $\sim$ 10$^8 M_\odot$ . This paper presents the observational strategy, the reduction procedure and properties of the galaxy sample.

  • From large-scale environment to CGM angular momentum to star forming activities -- II: quenched galaxies

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The gas needed to sustain star formation in galaxies is supplied by the circumgalactic medium (CGM), which in turn is affected by accretion from large scales. In a series of two papers, we examine the interplay between a galaxy's ambient CGM and central star formation within the context of the large-scale environment. We use the IllustrisTNG-100 simulation to show that the influence exerted by the large-scale galaxy environment on the CGM gas angular momentum results in either enhanced (Paper I) or suppressed (Paper II, this paper) star formation inside a galaxy. We find that for present-day quenched galaxies, both the large-scale environments and the ambient CGM have always had higher angular momenta throughout their evolutionary history since at least $z=2$, in comparison to those around present-day star-forming disk galaxies, resulting in less efficient gas inflow into the central star-forming gas reservoirs. A sufficiently high CGM angular momentum, as inherited from the larger-scale environment, is thus an important factor in keeping a galaxy quenched, once it is quenched. The process above naturally renders two key observational signatures: (1) a coherent rotation pattern existing across multiple distances from the large-scale galaxy environment, to the circumgalactic gas, to the central stellar disk; and (2) an anti-correlation between galaxy star-formation rates and orbital angular momenta of interacting galaxy pairs or groups.

  • On the HI Content of MaNGA Major Merger Pairs

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The role of HI content in galaxy interactions is still under debate. To study the HI content of galaxy pairs at different merging stages, we compile a sample of 66 major-merger galaxy pairs and 433 control galaxies from the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU survey. In this study, we adopt kinematic asymmetry as a new effective indicator to describe the merging stage of galaxy pairs. With archival data from the HI-MaNGA survey and new observations from the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), we investigate the differences in HI gas fraction ($f_{\text{HI}}$), star formation rate (SFR), and HI star formation efficiency ($\rm SFE_{\text{HI}}$) between the pair and control samples. Our results suggest that the HI gas fraction of major-merger pairs on average is marginally decreased by $\sim 15\%$ relative to isolated galaxies, implying mild HI depletion during galaxy interactions. Compared to isolated galaxies, pre-passage paired galaxies have similar $f_{\text{HI}}$, SFR and $\rm SFE_{\text{HI}}$, while pairs during pericentric passage have weakly decreased $f_{\text{HI}}$ ($-0.10\pm0.05$ dex), significantly enhanced SFR ($0.42\pm0.11$ dex) and $\rm SFE_{\text{HI}}$ ($0.48\pm0.12$ dex). When approaching the apocenter, paired galaxies show marginally decreased $f_{\text{HI}}$ ($-0.05\pm0.04$ dex), comparable SFR ($0.04\pm0.06$ dex) and $\rm SFE_{\text{HI}}$ ($0.08\pm0.08$ dex). We propose the marginally detected HI depletion may originate from the gas consumption in fuelling the enhanced $\rm H_2$ reservoir of galaxy pairs. In addition, new FAST observations also reveal an HI absorber ($N_{\text{HI}}\sim 4.7 \times 10^{21} \text{ cm}^{-2}$), which may suggest gas infalling and the triggering of AGN activity.