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  • 试论ChatGPT等人工智能语言模型在农业生产和科研中的应用及其影响

    分类: 农、林、牧、渔 >> 农艺学 提交时间: 2023-07-18

    摘要: ChatGPT、文心一言、通义千问、盘古NLP、混元、日日新、序列猴子等是基于人工神经网络的自然语言处理模型,它们能够与人对话互动,回答问题,高效便捷地帮助人们获取信息、知识、灵感和完成撰写邮件、视频脚本、文案、翻译、代码、论文等创作任务,最近开始逐步应用于各个行业领域。本文旨在探讨类ChatGPT人工智能产品在农业生产和科研中的应用前景,并分析其可能产生的影响和存在的问题。ChatGPT等语言模型在农业生产中的潜在应用主要包括农业气象预测、作物品种和管理措施推荐、畜禽和水产养殖管理、作物病虫草害、肥害、药害和缺素症状识别以及苗情诊断、农产品和食品质量检测、农业知识图谱构建和智能农业问答系统等,能够为农技人员和农民提供决策支持,帮助他们更加精准地完成农事操作,提升智能化水平、科技含量和生产效率;在农业科研中的应用主要包括文献检索和综述、数据挖掘、整理和分析推理、研究报告和论文生成、农业标准和主推技术制定、书籍编撰、科技成果转化和推广普及等。ChatGPT等的应用能够使得农业生产效率大幅度提高,使得农业科研变得更加精准、高效和便捷,为农业发展带来了宝贵的机遇。然而,它们的应用也带来了一些前所未有的挑战,例如,部分农技推广人员、农业科普工作者可能被替代,学习能力较差的农民将被淘汰;农业生产者和科研工作者必须学习如何应用ChatGPT等人工智能语言模型,并不断提升应用技能水平,以提高工作和生产效率,这对农业生产和科研工作者的知识水平、学习和创新能力有了更高要求。另外,ChatGPT等也会存在一些自身使用问题和不足,比如用户信息泄露、数据和知识产权安全隐患、事实性错误、实时性差、缺乏稳定和可重复性等,这种新兴技术的发展正在引发新一轮的人工智能伦理争议。总之,本文认为ChatGPT等人工智能语言模型在农业生产和科研中的应用将会对农业发展产生积极影响,为现代农业植入智慧芯片、装上智慧大脑,同时也存在一些不确定和难以预料的后果,需要边实践边探讨。

  • Exogenous addition of nitrate nitrogen regulates the uptake and translocation of lead (Pb) by Iris lacteal Pall. var. chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz.

    分类: 农、林、牧、渔 >> 农艺学 提交时间: 2023-02-16 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Since Pb is a non-biodegradable inorganic pollutant and a non-essential metal, its long-term presence in soil poses a great threat to the environment. Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz., a perennial dense bush herb with high resistance of Pb and wide adaptability, was used in pot experiments to study the effects of exogenous nitrate N (NO3-N) on the absorption and transportation of Pb and plant growth under different Pb concentrations. Then, the mechanism of NO3-N affecting Pb and nutrient uptake and transport was explored. The concentration of Pb in the experiment ranged from 0 to 1600 mg/kg, and the added concentration of NO3-N was 0.00.3 g/kg. The results showed that I. lactea was highly tolerant to Pb, and the shoot fraction was more sensitive to varied Pb concentrations in the soil than the root fraction. This protective function became more pronounced under the condition of raised Pb concentration in the soil. When the concentration of Pb in the soil reached 800 mg/kg, the highest Pb content of I. lactea was found under the condition of 0.1 g/kg of NO3-N addition. When Pb concentration in the soil increased to 1600 mg/kg, the increase in NO3-N addition promoted Pb uptake by the root. To ensure the well growth of I. lactea and the effect of remediation of Pb-contaminated soil, the recommended concentration of NO3-N in the soil is 0.1 g/kg. This result provides a theoretical basis for exogenous N regulation of phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated soil.

  • Soil carbon mineralization as affected by water content and nitrogen rate after ryegrass incorporated into soil

    分类: 农、林、牧、渔 >> 农艺学 提交时间: 2022-05-08

    摘要: Planting cover crop has been suggested as a way of increasing soil organic carbon in agricultural land. Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.), as a cover crop, could improve soil fertility and lower soil CO2 emission. However, effects of soil water content and nitrogen on soil carbon mineralization after ryegrass incorporation are not fully understood. The present study was to investigate the effect of soil water content and nitrogen rate on soil carbon mineralization after ryegrass incorporated into upland red soil (Ferralsols). A laboratory experiment was established, including soil water contents [15% (W1), 30% (W2), 45% (W3)] and nitrogen rates [0 (N1), 60 mg/kg(N2), 120 mg/kg(N3)]. The results showed that the highest soil carbon mineralization accumulation was observed in W3N3. Nitrogen application inhibited carbon mineralization rate and accumulation in the late stage of ryegrass incorporation at W1, but increased carbon mineralization rate and accumulation at W2. With increasing soil water content, nitrogen application could improve soil carbon mineralization at the early stage of ryegrass incorporation. In conclusion, soil nitrogen and water content could regulate soil carbon mineralization. Considering to reduce the soil CO2 emissions, rational nitrogen application should be taken seriously during cover crop (ryegrass) incorporated into the upland red soil.

  • Effects of mulches on water use in a winter wheat/ summer maize rotation system in Loess Plateau, China

    分类: 农、林、牧、渔 >> 农艺学 提交时间: 2018-01-23 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Limited water resources often result in reduced crop yield and low water productivity (WP). In northwestern China, crop production is generally dependent on precipitation. Therefore, a variety of agricultural rainwater harvesting (ARH) techniques have been used for conserving soil moisture, ameliorating soil environment, increasing crop yield, and improving water use efficiency. A two-year (2013–2015) field experiment was conducted under a typical sub-humid drought-prone climate in Yangling (108°24′E, 34°20′N; 521 m a.s.l.), Shaanxi Province, China, to explore the effects of mulching (same for summer maize and winter wheat) on soil moisture, soil temperature, crop water consumption, and crop yield with a winter wheat/summer maize rotation. Crops were planted in a ridge-furrow pattern and the treatments consisted of a transparent film mulch over the ridges (M1), a crop straw mulch in the furrows (M2), a transparent film mulch over the ridges and a crop straw mulch in the furrows (M3), a black film mulch over the ridges and a crop straw mulch in the furrows (M4), and a control with no mulch (CK). Results showed that M4 was the best treatment for improving soil water storage and content, and decreasing crop water consumption during the summer maize and winter wheat rotation. In both maize and wheat seasons, M1 had a higher soil temperature than M2 and CK, and M3 had a higher soil temperature than M4. In the maize seasons, M4 had the highest yield, WP, and precipitation productivity (PP), with the average values for these parameters increasing by 30.9%, 39.0%, and 31.0%, respectively, compared to those in CK. In the wheat seasons, however, M3 had the highest yield, WP, and PP, with the average values for these parameters being 23.7%, 26.7%, and 23.8% higher, respectively, than those in CK. Annual yield (maize and wheat yields combined) and WP did not differ significantly between M3 and M4. These results suggested that M3 and M4 may thus be the optimal ARH practices for the production of winter wheat and summer maize, respectively, in arid and semi-arid areas.