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  • 安静自我与健康:基于成长和平衡视角

    分类: 心理学 >> 人格心理学 分类: 心理学 >> 临床与咨询心理学 提交时间: 2021-03-30

    摘要: 安静自我指一种既不过分关注自我,也不过分关注他人,融入他人而不丧失自我的同一性。发展安静自我有利于个体的身心健康,特别是在提高个体主观幸福感、改善个体主观评估的健康以及降低个体的物质主义倾向等方面,而安静自我的提升可以通过正念和冥想的方式实现。通过对安静自我的概念、成长和平衡视角、测量方法、安静自我对心理健康的影响以及如何促进安静自我的相关研究结果的总结,本文认为安静自我本质上是空间和时间维度上自我的平衡与整合。目前关于安静自我已有不少的研究,但作为一个较新的研究领域,未来有待在安静自我的本土化、系统化以及发展和促进方面展开更多的探讨。

  • 应用于射电天文的高效实时管道数据流传输与处理技术

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2021-03-30 合作期刊: 《天文研究与技术》

    摘要: 针对超宽带及多波束接收系统海量天文信号实时高效传输与处理问题,对基于FPGA+GPU的主流终端设备软件系统进行了测试分析,超宽带接收设备要求终端系统软件能够在更宽带宽,更高时间、频率分辨率条件下,实现实时数据流传输与处理。结合大口径射电观测设备未来发展方向提出了利用高速并行环形缓冲区实现数据流缓存、基于GPU集群实现数据流实时处理、基于BeeGFS实现分布式并行数据存储,模块化构建射电天文信号传输管道软件的设计思路。

  • 我国地基雷达观测月球的现状和研究进展

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2021-03-30 合作期刊: 《天文研究与技术》

    摘要: 地基雷达天文观测可以提供太阳系天体目标的地形地貌、物理特征、轨道动力等信息。文章聚焦利用地基雷达天文技术开展月球观测的原理方法和科学意义,介绍了基于我国现有深空雷达上行装置、射电望远镜条件、以及非相干散射雷达等系统,初步开展的UHF频段和X频段的地基雷达观测月球试验。通过月球反射回波的信号处理,获得了延迟、多普勒频移等参数,得到了一致的与近表层物质密度相关的月面雷达反射率,并得到了月球的左右旋圆极化率,其反映了与波长同尺度的月球近表层结构。文章积累的数据处理经验将为我国的小行星预警、行星历表等地基雷达天文观测研究提供技术基础。

  • 基于Dask并行加速的射电干涉成像网格化方法实现

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2021-03-30 合作期刊: 《天文研究与技术》

    摘要: 快速傅里叶变换比傅里叶变换有更好的算法性能,是射电干涉成像基础算法,但因为天线阵列的不规则采样,需使用网格化算法将可见度数据重采样到规则的网格上,才能应用快速傅里叶变换。基于卷积的网格化计算具有计算密集型和迭代型的特点,特别是在处理海量可见度数据的情况下,高性能的网格化计算对加速整个成像过程就显得尤为重要。为了缓解数据处理的压力,在现有处理整块数据和支持多核计算的算法基础上,拓展应用Dask并行计算框架,不仅将数据分块并分配到多线程上,提高数值计算效率,而且动态的分布式任务调度策略优化了网格化的实时处理。实验结果表明多核CPU利用率显著提高,即使增加数据量,也能进一步提升网格化算法性能。分布式任务调度能够将(单)多测量集的网格化弹性缩放到(单)多机系统,充分发挥了集群的规模化优势。

  • W波段宽带正交模耦合器设计

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2021-03-30 合作期刊: 《天文研究与技术》

    摘要: W波段接收机系统能有效接收多条射电天文观测重要分子谱线信息,对于天文观测和科学研究有重要意义。W波段正交模耦合器(Ortho-mode Transducer)作为接收机系统实现极化分离的关键器件,其性能对接收机整体性能有重要影响。本文介绍了一款基于Boifot结构的W波段宽带正交模耦合器,并介绍了OMT的工作原理和设计流程。仿真结果表明,在70-116GHz频带内,OMT相对带宽达到49.4%,回波损耗优于-18.7dB,交叉极化优于-55.8dB,端口隔离度优于-54dB。

  • 国家授时中心40米射电望远镜Crab脉冲星周期跃变监测

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2021-03-30 合作期刊: 《天文研究与技术》

    摘要: 脉冲星周期跃变是一种罕见的现象,是研究其内部结构的探针。针对2019年2月至12月,国家授时中心昊平观测站40米射电望远镜在脉冲星计时观测中,监测Crab脉冲星的数据,采用脉冲星计时方法,用TEMPO2拟合程序进行分析。结果表明Crab脉冲星在2019年7月23日(MJD58687)附近发生了一次周期跃变现象,该跃变自转增量为 ∆vg = 5.33(4)×10-7 Hz,自转变化量为 ∆vg /v = 17.9(1)×10-9 ,并伴随着恢复系数Q ~ 0.88的指数恢复过程。此次Crab脉冲星周期跃变的监测及处理,证实了国家授时中心40米射电望远镜对脉冲星的监测性能,同时为研究周期跃变的产生机理积累了样本。

  • 脉冲双星加速度搜索方法及软件改进

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2021-03-30 合作期刊: 《天文研究与技术》

    摘要: 毫秒脉冲星对引力波探测、太空导航等方面具有重要意义。本文通过引证ATNF数据库,指出双星系统与毫秒脉冲星存在密切关系。分析了FAST早期科学数据中心脉冲双星搜索能力的现状,目前Ransom版本的accelsearch算法虽在CPU上进行了高度优化,但在FAST庞大数据量下,仍十分耗费算力。罗晋涛GPU版本的加速度搜索带来6-8倍的加速效果,但未能针对GPU内存进行有效优化。本文先概述脉冲双星及其轨道运动对信号处理带来的影响,然后引出相应的搜索技术及原理,为提高脉冲双星的搜索效率,利用并行化技术编写程序对GPU版本的加速度搜索进行优化。结果表明,使用不同zmax参数对不同.dat文件进行处理,速度均有明显提升。

  • CCD图像相对测光中的技术研究与精度回报现象

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2021-03-29 合作期刊: 《天文研究与技术》

    摘要: 天体随时间的光度变化能够反映其物理性质,高精度测光技术的研究帮助我们更好地分析与探究天体的光变情况,对天体的演化研究有重要意义。本文介绍了相关的测光工具与技术,探索了把MaxIm DL软件与photutils测光库相结合的测光技术及其应用,提出了连续图像中各星像测光数据快速匹配的解决方案。通过分析中国科学院云南天文台1m光学望远镜拍摄的M35星团图像,本文发现了相对测光中存在精度回报(precision premium)现象,即相近的两颗星进行相对测光具有更高的测量精度,且该现象的显著程度与大气质量相关。针对于相对测光的精度回报现象,本文提出了高精度相对测光的参考方法。

  • Obtain weighted values of solar stills’ environment factors by using supervised machine learning

    分类: 材料科学 >> 纳米科学和纳米技术 提交时间: 2021-03-26

    摘要: 太阳能蒸馏器由于其简单的结构和环保的能力,近年来引起了越来越多的关注。在本研究中,利用一种成熟的机器学习算法——随机森林,得到环境因子对蒸发效率的加权值。为了检验随机森林与数学数据分析之间的先进性,我们采用了两种传统的数据科学方法——配对图法和皮尔逊相关分析法进行比较。分析中使用的实验数据来自2014年以来的约100篇文章。结果表明,热设计是实现太阳能高效蒸发的最重要因素。这将促进太阳能蒸馏器蒸发效率的研究。

  • 长期戒断海洛因成瘾者冲动性相关脑区的结构及功能特征

    分类: 心理学 >> 应用心理学 分类: 心理学 >> 临床与咨询心理学 提交时间: 2021-03-26

    摘要: 冲动性是药物成瘾者的典型特征,它既包含了抑制控制成瘾者药物使用的力量,也包含驱动成瘾者使用药物的成分,两者不平衡导致冲动性用药行为。海洛因成瘾者本身具有冲动性人格特质,长时间的海洛因使用又会造成成瘾者冲动性相关的大脑结构与功能的异常。目前难以确定戒断后,冲动性及相关的大脑结构与功能是否还呈异常状态。本研究采用基于体素的形态学分析、低频振幅、局部一致性和功能连接方法,以35例海洛因成瘾戒断者和无任何成瘾史的健康个体26人为研究对象,探索在长期戒断后,海洛因成瘾者与其冲动性相关的驱动、控制系统脑网络的结构和功能情况。结果显示,相比对照组,戒断组灰质总体积及右内侧额上回的灰质体积显著减小,右侧颞中回和左内侧旁扣带回的灰质体积随用药总量的增加而降低;右侧眶部额下回与尾状核功能连接显著增强,右侧颞中回和左侧中央前回功能连接显著降低;右眶额中回的ReHo值、右眶额下回和左海马体的ALFF值比对照组显著更低,而右中央后回的ReHo值显著更高。这些脑区的状况与冲动性的神经基础相吻合,说明海洛因成瘾戒断者在戒断44个月,奖赏、凸显、习惯性行为等网络系统仍然呈现异常状态,且与成瘾药物使用总量有关。这些异常可能是成瘾冲动性的驱动力的神经基础,可以作为解释成瘾者戒断后容易复吸的因素之一。

  • 时间跨期选择中的自我—他人决策效应

    分类: 心理学 >> 应用心理学 提交时间: 2021-03-25

    摘要: 许多使用金钱作为结果的跨期选择揭示了自我-他人决策效应的存在。然而,跨期选择的结果并不局限于金钱;时间亦是一种稀缺和不可再生的资源。因此,我们进行了一系列实验研究,揭示基于时间的跨期选择中的自我-他人决策效应,即关注了以时间为结果的跨期选择类型。在三个实验过程中,证实了自我-他人决策效应的存在。为他人做决策的被试更倾向于选择小而近(SS)选项而不是大而远(LL)选项,并认为SS选项的获益显著大于LL选项。而为自己做决策的被试更喜欢LL选项而不是SS选项。然而,他们认为LL和SS选项的获益没有显著差异。改变决策者的角色会影响个人考虑其选择的未来后果的能力。时间的跨期选择中的自我-他人决策效应可以用经济理性和建构水平理论来解释。研究结果表明,时间跨期选择中自我-他人决策效应,可以简单地通过重新描述问题而产生,在不需要增加控制的情况下,可以帮助个人做出最佳的长期选择。

  • Direct-writing of two-dimensional diodes by focused ion beams

    分类: 物理学 >> 交叉学科物理及相关领域的科学与技术 提交时间: 2021-03-24

    摘要: In the past decade, electronic devices based on graphene and the related two-dimensional (2D) materials have exhibited outstanding figures of merit. However, so far, the fabrication of two-dimensional diodes, as elementary building blocks of electronic devices, still relies on manual or semi-automated handling processing. To unleash their commercial potential, the integration of 2D materials into a fully-automated fabrication line is a critical step. Here, we elucidate the focused ion-beam writing as an automated approach to construct lateral diodes on a 2D heterostructure (MoSe2/G) consisting of the stacked monolayer graphene and MoSe2. Se-defects generated by focused ion writing endow the 2D heterostructure with unique electronic properties like the adjustable work function and the quasi-metallic state, which allows for the construction of the barrier at the boundary of the writing and non-writing region. Benefiting from this feature, the ion-beam-written heterostructure is used to realize rectifying and current regulating diodes. Exhibiting comparable performance to traditional diodes, the rectifying diode has a rectification ratio of ~104, while the current regulative diode has a dynamic resistance larger than 4.5 MΩ. Furthermore, to illustrate practical applications of these diodes in digital logic electronics, AND and OR logic gates are directly inscribed on the heterostructure by ion beams. Our work demonstrates the focused ion-beam writing as an additional strategy for direct-writing of 2D diodes on graphene-based heterostructures.

  • 舞动治疗:一种自下而上的精神分裂症干预探索

    分类: 心理学 >> 生理心理学 提交时间: 2021-03-23

    摘要: 皮层-基底节-丘脑网络与脑岛网络属于感觉运动相关网络,这两个网络的改变可能是导致精神分裂症的重要原因。目前主流研究与临床干预聚焦于患者的高级脑区异常,对感觉运动系统的关注不足。对健康个体的研究发现舞蹈训练对感觉运动相关脑网络具有显著提升作用,并自下而上地促进高级功能。以上研究提示舞蹈训练可能是干预精神分裂症,改善其认知功能的新途径。本研究拟借助多模态磁共振成像技术,以精神分裂症感觉运动相关网络为着力点,通过分析精神分裂症患者在舞蹈训练前后的脑影像、临床及认知行为的改变,揭示舞蹈训练临床干预的神经机制。

  • CET: A New Complex Evidence Theory

    分类: 信息科学与系统科学 >> 信息科学与系统科学基础学科 提交时间: 2021-03-23

    摘要: " Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, as an extension of Probability theory, is widely used in the field of information fusion due to it satisfies weaker conditions than probability theory in dealing with uncertain information. Nevertheless , the description space of the current evidence theory is only a real space, and it cannot effectively describe and process the uncertain information in the face of multidimensional characteristic data and periodic data with phase angle changes. Based on this gap , in this paper, Dempster-Shafer evidence theory is extended to the complex Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. In complex Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, mass function that used to describe the uncertain information extends from the real space to the complex space, named as complex mass function, and the modulus of the mass function indicates the degree of support for the proposition. On this basis, other basic concepts used to describe uncertainty information are also defined and discussed, such as complex belief function, complex plausibility function, etc. In order to perfect the complex Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, the complex Dempster combination rule (CDCR) is supplemented. CDCR is an extension of Dempster combination rule (CDR), which satisfies the commutative and associative laws just as CDR does, and it can degenerate into CDR under certain condition. In addition, we propose a method to generate complex mass function and apply it to target recognition. The recognized results show that compared with the mass function of the real plane, the target recognition rate can be larger by using complex mass function to describe the uncertain information.

  • New ordinal relative fuzzy entropy

    分类: 物理学 >> 普通物理:统计和量子力学,量子信息等 提交时间: 2021-03-23

    摘要: In real life, occurrences of a series of things are supposed to come in an order. Therefore, it is necessary to regard sequence as a crucial factor in managing different kinds of things in fuzzy environment. However, few related researches have been made to provided a reasonable solution to this demand. Therefore, how to measure degree of uncertainty of ordinal fuzzy sets is still an open issue. To address this issue, a novel ordinal relative fuzzy entropy is proposed in this paper taking orders of propositions into consideration in measuring level of uncertainty in fuzzy environment. Compared with previously proposed entropies, effects on degrees of fuzzy uncertainty brought by sequences of sequential propositions are embodied in values of measurement using proposed method in this article. Moreover, some numerical examples are offered to verify the correctness and validity of the proposed entropy.

  • 我国内地教师主观幸福感的变迁(2002~2019):横断历史研究的视角

    分类: 心理学 >> 社会心理学 提交时间: 2021-03-21

    摘要: 教师主观幸福感作为衡量教师群体心理健康状况的一项关键指标,对其现状的调查和分析至关重要,同时,对其随社会变迁的动态变化趋势、及其与社会变迁的关系的监测也不可忽视。本研究对2002至2019年间的51篇采用总体幸福感量表(GWB)测量教师主观幸福感的研究报告(共包括13600名教师)进行横断历史的元分析。研究发现:(1)教师主观幸福感均值与年代呈显著负相关,这说明我国教师主观幸福感在逐年下降。(2)来自社会经济条件 (居民消费水平、房价、老年抚养比和教育经费)、社会联结(家庭规模数、离婚率和城镇化水平)和社会威胁(犯罪率)三方面的8项宏观社会指标的变化能显著预测教师主观幸福感的下降。(3)中小学教师的主观幸福感随年代下降的趋势更明显,其主观幸福感得分要显著低于高校教师。本研究不仅探究了我国教师主观幸福感近20年的变迁趋势,而且结合社会宏观发展的指标,提出了影响我国教师主观幸福感的三维理论框架,对群体社会心理的研究思路进行了纵向(随时代变迁)及横向(宏观社会指标)的拉伸,拓展理论基础的同时,在实践上,为干预调节我国教师群体主观幸福感提供决策依据。

  • 强迫性特征在药物成瘾行为中的易感性及其前额叶-反奖赏系统神经基础

    分类: 心理学 >> 医学心理学 提交时间: 2021-03-21

    摘要: 强迫性是一种与不顾严重后果的固着行为密切相关的神经心理结构,大脑 神经系统对强迫性行为的调控机制崩溃是导致药物成瘾的直接原因。以往研究对 于奖赏系统(中脑-皮层-边缘神经环路)在成瘾行为中的作用及机制已经具有丰富 的了解,但针对药物成瘾的强迫性特征本身以及前额叶-反奖赏系统神经环路在 成瘾行为中的作用机制了解有限,尤其是缺乏对药物成瘾强迫性特征的系统考 察、缺少遗传学研究以及非兴奋剂类药物的汇聚证据。项目拟结合人类成瘾行为 的遗传学视角(海洛因成瘾者与其无药物使用的兄弟姐妹对照),结合神经认知、 脑电生理、神经影像等不同层面的方法和技术,对药物成瘾强迫性的外在表征、 神经生物学基础以及与个体差异有关的遗传易感性进行探索,期在进一步识别药 物成瘾的神经生物标记,为探寻潜在的药物或非药物干预靶点提供更多证据。

  • Panum极限情况中双重融合深度机制的研究

    分类: 心理学 >> 实验心理学 提交时间: 2021-03-19

    摘要: Panum极限情况是单眼性区域中最简单的一种现象,它是研究单眼遮挡区域形成立体视觉机制的突破口。本文对Panum 极限情况关于深度起源问题存在的争议,展开深入的研究。实验采用固定注视点位置和快速呈现刺激的方式,考察被试是否可以正确知觉注视特征和非注视特征的深度,并考察被试知觉到的深度是否来自深度对比。结果表明,无论是在Panum刺激条件下还是在控制刺激条件下,被试都能够正确地知觉到注视特征和非注视特征的深度,且被试在双眼融合后所知觉到的两个特征的深度并非来自深度对比,这说明Panum极限情况的深度知觉机制更可能为双重融合。

  • Quantification of red soil macropores affected by slope erosion and sediment using computed tomography

    分类: 农、林、牧、渔 >> 土壤学 提交时间: 2021-03-17

    摘要: Purpose Soil structures are the main course of the formation and development of collapsing gullies, which are the most severe type of erosion in south China. However, few studies have focused on the relationship between soil macropores, soil erosion, and local topography. This study aimed to quantify and compare soil properties and macropore characteristics in the collapsing gully region, and explore their influences on the formation and development of the associated erosion. Materials and methods Soil core columns at different positions of a typical collapsing gully were excavated, and then scanned to analyze soil macropores. Moreover, soil properties and saturated hydraulic conductivity were investigated in the laboratory and in the field, respectively. Results and discussion The results indicated that the sand content increased from the ridge to the slope and the valley, while silt and clay contents decreased for the same catena. The mean weight diameter of aggregates was largest at the ridge and lowest at the valley. The infiltrate rates were highest at the valley and lowest at the slope. The valley had the greatest macroporosity (1.09±0.33%), and the highest number (5919±703), volumes (24.7±7.5 cm3) and surface (10.4±2.6 m2) of macropores, as well as the highest conectivity (42.3), while the slope had the smallest macroporosity (0.15±0.14%), and the smallest number (1189±747), volumes (3.4±3.2 cm3) and surface (1.7±1.4 m2) of macropores. The mean pore volume of macropores larger than 1 mm3 was largest at the ridge (16.8±7.4), and smallest at the slope (10.6±2.9). The number of macropores and their macroporosity mainly decreased with increasing depth, but were influenced by the soil macrofauna as well as the erosion and sediment processes. Macropores were mainly vertical, which is affected by the roots of plants and is conducive to the vertical infiltration of water. But, there wer many horizontal macropores at the valley because of the sediment process. The equivalent pore diameter of macropores was mainly smaller than 2 mm (accouting for more than 76.3%), and the macropores larger than 5 mm were less than 1%. Conclusions The macropore characteristics at different sites of the collapsing gullies affected the soil water infiltration and hydraulic conductivity, and further affected the processes of water erosion and mass ersion. The highest macroposities at the valley would result strong subsurface flow erosion and the loss of the base of collapsing wall. Macropores at the ridge would increase rain infiltration and promote soil collapsing. Few macropores and low infiltration abilities at the slope would strengthen the overland flow erosion. Thus, macropore characteristics had significant effects on both the formation and development of collapsing gullies.

  • Interaction between shrub encroachment and water infiltration on a hillslope at the typical Steppe

    分类: 地球科学 >> 水文学 提交时间: 2021-03-17

    摘要: The interaction between the surface hydrologic cycle and the shrub-encroached landscape at different slope positions remains poorly investigated. This study aims to explore the interaction between the water infiltration patterns affected by shrub encroachment at different hillslope positions. Soil water content and temperature were continuously measured at 10-min intervals at four or five depths under shrub patches and the grass matrix at four slope positions of a Caragana microphylla encroached hillslope from July 2009 to May 2013. The rainfall and meltwater infiltrations were estimated based on above data. Results showed that the rainfall infiltration ratios (IRs) at the grass matrix were as high as 0.78±0.08, except at the lower site, where it was only 0.47. The IRs of shrub patches increased from 0.38 at the top site to 0.77 at the lower site. The IRs were higher at the grass matrix than that at the shrub downslope edges at the top, upper, and middle sites of the hillslope due to the raised microtopography of the shrub mounds. However, at the lower site, IR was higher at the shrub patch than that at the grass matrix than due to more upper slope runoff input and higher infiltration capacity at the shrub patches. The preferential flow was not an important factor influencing the redistribution of water resources on the slope. Snow and ice were blown up by wind and accumulated in the shrub patches and their lees resulted higher water input to the shrub patches than that in the grass matrix during snowy years. Shrub encroachment changed the microtopography, soil property under different canopy and slope positions, and further affected the surface hydrological processes. The feedbacks between shrub encroachment and water infiltration varied at different sites of the hillslope and affected the development of shrub patches.