  • 超声滚压金属材料的疲劳性能研究进展

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 超声滚压(ultrasonic surface rolling,USR)技术结合高能冲击和静载滚压的特点,处理后工件具有表面光洁度高、变形层深、残余压应力大和晶粒细化明显等优势; 可通过适当的工艺参数设计,极大提高金属材料的疲劳强度,因而在制造业得到了广泛应用。自该技术应用至今,国内外学者做了大量有关USR工艺及性能方面的研究,并在多种重要金属材料及关键零部件中应用。截至目前,关于USR工艺参数对材料表面完整性和疲劳性能的研究,比较零散,缺乏系统总结。研究首先简要介绍了USR的工作原理和可控性; 然后总结了不同USR工艺参数诱导的残余应力和微观组织,以及残余应力在疲劳加载过程中的释放规律; 分析了不同工艺USR诱导的表面完整性对疲劳性能的影响及其潜在机理; 阐述了与USR相关的复合强化方法的最新进展,并展望了USR金属材料的应用前景。

  • SiC/SiC复合编织管的抗热冲击性能与失效机理研究

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 以二维二轴编织的SiC/SiC复合编织管为研究对象,研究其抗热冲击性能及失效机理。自主搭建了基于石英灯辐照加热的循环热冲击试验平台,基于该平台开展了SiC/SiC复合编织管的循环热冲击试验考核,并对循环热冲击后的复合编织管进行了径向压缩测试,探究了复合编织管力学性能与破坏机理,拟合得到了热冲击强度退化经验公式。研究结果表明,搭建的循环热冲击试验平台能够模拟快速升降温的实际服役环境,最高升温、降温速率在试验过程中分别可达约40、60 ℃/s。随着热冲击循环次数的增加,SiC/SiC复合编织管环向拉伸强度下降,且降幅随之增大。热冲击产生的热应力导致纤维周围的基体产生微裂纹,弱化了纤维束与基体之间的连接,这是复合编织管强度降低的原因之一。拟合的强度退化经验公式能够准确描述强度退化规律,可以满足工程应用需求。

  • 斜爆震燃烧与斜爆震发动机研究进展

    分类: 航空、航天科学技术 >> 航空、航天科学技术其他学科 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 发展更高性能的吸气式高超动力成为未来高超声速飞行器研制的重中之重。现有基于煤油燃料的超燃冲压发动机,主要以爆燃模式组织燃烧,在高来流马赫数(Ma≥8)条件下,将面临高来流总温带来的高温离解和化学非平衡效应所带来燃料的能量难以充分释放和利用的难题,相比之下,斜爆震组织燃烧更接近于等容燃烧,具有燃烧释热速率快、热循环效率高等优势,是一种可应用于高马赫数吸气式动力的理想燃烧模式。斜爆震发动机能够显著缩短燃烧室长度,减少释热面积,是高马赫数飞行器极具潜力的吸气式动力方案。其中,斜爆震发动机内流道各部件的匹配设计、燃料喷注-混合、斜爆震波的起爆与驻定等是斜爆震发动机研制的关键技术,是当前高超声速领域的研究热点。但由于其面临的高速、高总温总压的来流条件以及爆震波在流场中的强间断与高速传播特性等,现有试验与数值模拟研究手段难以开展精细的燃烧流动机制研究,进而限制了相关控制机理的揭示与高精度模型的建立,使得斜爆震发动机工程研制较为困难,当前研究仍存在许多值得探讨的地方,文章在综述的同时对下一步研究提出相关建议。

  • 圆柱结构中的环向SH波及洞体内表面波不存在性讨论

    分类: 力学 >> 固体力学 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 目前有关圆柱结构中的环向SH波研究仅限于实心柱体与圆柱壳体结构。由于无法直接获得圆柱洞体中传播的SH表面波的解析解,对比研究了实心柱体和多种不同类型的圆柱壳体中的环向SH波,从波结构、应变能密度幅值分布与壳体厚度的关系讨论洞体内SH表面波的存在性。建立柱坐标系下均匀弹性材料与功能梯度材料环向SH波的波动方程; 分别求得方程的贝塞尔函数解和幂级数渐近解; 进一步计算得到其频散曲线、波结构与应变能密度幅值。结果表明:幂级数方法可用于计算圆柱型结构中的变系数波动方程,且具有较高的精度; 圆柱型结构中环向SH波的能量集中在外表面或次外表面,并随着壳体厚度的增加,能量集中现象更为明显; 通过应变能密度幅值分布规律推论出圆柱洞体内表面无法传播环向SH表面波。最后,针对均质结构和梯度结构,采用反证法证明了无法得到满足洞体内SH表面波衰减条件的解析解,从而证明了该推论。

  • 共固化多层阻尼夹嵌复合材料梁的自由振动分析

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 为获得大阻尼复合材料结构,开展了共固化多层阻尼膜夹嵌复合材料梁的动力学性能研究。基于一阶剪切变形理论和Hamilton原理,提出并推导了该结构的动力学方程,运用变分原理和伽辽金法求解了,在固支边界条件下的自由振动特性理论解,通过仿真和试验对理论可行性进行了验证,揭示了参数变化对一阶固有频率和阻尼比的影响,为多层阻尼膜在复合材料结构中的优化设计提供了理论依据。

  • Determining the observation epochs of star catalogs from ancient China using the Generalized Hough Transform method

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学史 分类: 天文学 >> 天文仪器与技术 提交时间: 2024-04-10

    摘要: 中国古代保留着丰富的天文观测记录,其中尤为宝贵的是大量实测的恒星观测数据。然而,确定这些观测数据的年代是一个相当复杂的问题。本文以宋元时代的两组观测数据为基础,运用广义霍夫变换的技术手段对数据进行计算和分析。我们成功地获得了对恒星观测年代的较为准确的估算结果。这一方法为未来分析更多古代天文星表数据提供了新的途径和视角。

  • 不同类风场雨滴冲击荷载对输变电塔线体系动力响应的影响研究

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 输变电塔体系遭受风雨耦合作用破坏时常将原因归于风荷载,忽略了雨荷载耦合激励的放大效应。针对某输电线路“一塔两线”体系模型,以数值方法模拟良态风雨场与湿下击暴流场的风雨时程荷载,分别对塔线体系进行动力响应分析,结果表明:降雨对输电塔线体系的响应,具有显著影响,随着雨强变大,塔线体系响应增大明显; 在极值降雨条件下,湿下击暴流场塔顶位移增幅最大,在X向和Y向分别达到31.30%和33.93%; 两种风雨场中塔顶位移及加速度功率谱密度均出现明显增幅,体系共振响应增强,塔身关键位置主材应力分别增大了11.64%、37.07%; 在不同类风场中,强降雨时雨滴冲击对塔线体系产生的激励增大作用不可忽略。

  • Detecting Cosmic Strings with Lensed Fast Radio Bursts

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Correlated red noise recently reported from pulsar timing observations may be an indication of stochastic gravitational waves emitted by cosmic strings that formed during a primordial phase transition near the Grand Unification energy scale. Unfortunately, known probes of cosmic strings, namely the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies and string lensing of extragalactic galaxies, are not sensitive enough for low string tensions of $G\mu = 10^{-10}-10^{-7}$ that are needed to explain this putative signal. We show that strong gravitational lensing of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) by cosmic strings is a potentially unambiguous avenue to probe that range of string tension values. The image pair of string lensing are expected to have identical magnification factor and parity, and have a typical time delay of $\sim 10^2\,\,(G\,\mu/10^{-8})^2$ seconds. The unique spectral fingerprint of each FRB, as well as the possibility to detect correlations in the time series of the electric field of the radio waves, will enable verification of the string lensing interpretation. Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations can spatially resolve the image pair and provide a lower bound on the string tension based on the image separation. We calculate the FRB lensing rate as a function of FRB detection number for several different models of the FRB redshift distribution. We find that a survey detecting $\sim 10^5$ FRBs, in line with estimates for the detection rate of the forthcoming survey CHORD, can uncover a strong lensing event for a string tension of $G\mu \simeq 10^{-7}$. Larger FRB surveys, such as Phase 2 of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), have the potential to significantly improve the sensitivity on the string tension to $G\mu \simeq 10^{-9}$.

  • 鳍条效应软体采摘机械手建模与试验

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 针对现有鳍条效应软体手指建模分析方法难以兼顾高精度与小运算量的问题,本研究以课题组设计的苹果采摘软体机械手为对象,在观察软体手指变形的基础上,提出将鳍条效应软体手指等效为串连铰链四杆机构; 运用虚功原理推导了给定变形状态下软体手指各处接触力与驱动力矩计算方法; 提出用线弹性扭簧模型描述变形恢复力矩,利用改进的粒子群算法求解各级四杆机构扭簧劲度系数; 基于有限元模型,结合二次开发建立了给定关节转角和充气压力下驱动力矩的BP神经网络静态模型。搭建试验平台对3个不同大小的仿真苹果在3个不同高度位置下进行抓取力测量试验。试验结果表明,所建立的力学模型计算抓取力相对误差绝对值小于8.6%,与有限元模型精度相当; 驱动力矩测量试验结果表明关节神经网络模型计算值与测量值变化趋势相同,相对误差小于12.7%。

  • 玄武岩纤维缠绕成型管道的损伤及承载能力研究

    分类: 力学 >> 固体力学 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 玄武岩纤维增强复合材料(basalt fiber reinforced composite,BFRP)具有耐腐蚀性强、比强度高、环保等优点,正确评价BFRP管道性能的可靠性和承载能力是将其应用于高附加值的油气输送领域的基础。对于玄武岩纤维(basalt fiber,BF)缠绕成型的复合材料管道,首先在细观尺度上获得浸胶纤维束的强度。然后,沿着管道的轴向和环向分别截取试件,测量了两种试件的拉伸强度; 基于试验结果和有限元模拟,研究了管壁结构层在拉伸、压缩以及剪切载荷作用下的损伤演化,得到结构层的宏观本构模型。最后,建立了BF缠绕成型管道的有限元模型,研究纤维性能离散对管道承载能力的影响。结果表明,纤维有效含量对管道承载能力的影响很大,从纤维生产和管道成型工艺等方面降低纤维增强作用的离散性对于准确预测管道的承载可靠性,推动BF复合材料在油气管道领域的应用至关重要。

  • 覆水峡谷-丘陵复合地貌的地震差动相干函数模型及规律特征与影响

    分类: 力学 >> 力学其他学科 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 构建了覆水峡谷-丘陵复合地貌的地震差动模拟所需的相干函数模型。首先,提出并推导得到了考虑土体滤波效应和竖向距离的覆水峡谷-丘陵复合地貌相干函数模型表达式; 探讨并阐述了相干性变化的规律特征及其物理本质。然后,基于新相干模型和传递函数构建地下功率谱矩阵,生成地下多点地震动; 通过功率谱及相干函数拟合验证了模拟结果的科学性与合理性; 对比分析了本研究提出的相干函数模型对多点地震动空间变异性的影响。最后,以一座连续刚构桥为例,探讨了新相干函数模型对结构地震差动响应的影响。结果表明:基于新相干函数模型的多点地震动相干性降低,各点地震动的空间变异性增大,进而加剧了结构各支承点运动的不同步性,最终导致结构地震差动响应增大。

  • 截面型式及槽宽比对高填明洞土压力影响分析

    分类: 力学 >> 固体力学 提交时间: 2024-04-19 合作期刊: 《应用力学学报》

    摘要: 利用离散元软件PFC2D,考虑到土体的离散性与不均匀性,通过分析洞顶平均竖向土压力、内外土柱相对沉降差以及颗粒间接触力链的变化规律,探讨截面型式(矩形、1/4拱形、1/2拱形)及槽宽比(B/b=1.5:1,2:1,3:1,4:1)变化对高填黄土明洞土压力的影响,结合顾安全公式,分析高填明洞沉降差与土压力间的函数关系,并修正该函数,使其可以适用与不同的截面型式与槽宽比下的高填明洞。结果表明:①B/b确定,明洞采用矩形截面时,接触力链在洞顶分布,平均土压力更大,明洞采用拱形截面时,平均土压力更小,但拱顶存在局部应力集中现象; ②明洞截面型式一定,随着B/b的增大,洞顶平均竖向土压力与沉降差均随之增大,当B/b较小时,边坡作用增强,外侧土柱沉降降低,对内土柱的作用力变小,从而导致明洞顶竖向土压力更小; ③内外土柱沉降差与附加土压力呈线性相关,相对于矩形截面,拱形截面下较小的沉降差会产生相同的附加土压力,更有利于结构的稳定。

  • 基于扎根理论的红色期刊文献发刊词知识发现研究

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 文献学 提交时间: 2024-04-18

    摘要: 目的/意义 红色期刊文献是我国极其重要且特有的红色资源之一,发刊词作为红色期刊文献的创办宣言具有特殊价值。 方法/过程 文章将红色期刊文献作为一个研究整体,以其发刊词为研究对象,运用扎根理论对发刊词文本进行细颗粒度分析,将文本中词汇、人物、地理实体等要素有机组织起来,并将红色期刊文献置于新民主主义革命的背景之下,结合政治、经济、文化等因素进行深入探析,发现隐藏在红色期刊文献中的关系、趋势与规律。 结果/结论 研究发现红色期刊文献发刊词文本包含办刊目的、社会环境、刊物内容、办刊风格等要素,其自创办之初就与国家、社会的命运联系在一起,是中国共产党在不同时期的社会环境下顺应时代趋势做出的回应。

  • The outermost edges of the Milky Way halo from galaxy kinematics

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We measure for the first time the outermost edges of the Milky Way (MW) halo in terms of the depletion and turnaround radii. The inner depletion radius, $r_\mathrm{id}$, identified at the location of maximum infall velocity, separates a growing halo from the draining environment, while the turnaround radius, $r_\mathrm{ta}$, marks the outermost edge of infalling material towards the halo, both of which are located well outside the virial radius. Using the motions of nearby dwarf galaxies within $3\mathrm{Mpc}$, we obtain a marginal detection of the infall zone around the MW with a maximum velocity of $v_\mathrm{inf, max}=-46_{-39}^{+24}\mathrm{km s^{-1}}$. This enables us to measure $r_\mathrm{id}=559\pm 107 \mathrm{kpc}$ and $r_\mathrm{ta}=839\pm 121 \mathrm{kpc}$. The measured depletion radius is about 1.5 times the MW virial radius ($R_\mathrm{200m}$) measured from internal dynamics. Compared with halos in the cosmological simulation Illustris TNG100, the factor 1.5 is consistent with that of halos with similar masses and dynamical environments to the MW but slightly smaller than typical values of Local Group analogs, potentially indicating the unique evolution history of the MW. These measurements of halo edges directly quantify the ongoing evolution of the MW outer halo and provide constraints on the current dynamical state of the MW that are independent from internal dynamics.

  • Early Solar System instability triggered by dispersal of the gaseous disk

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The Solar System's orbital structure is thought to have been sculpted by an episode of dynamical instability among the giant planets. However, the instability trigger and timing have not been clearly established. Hydrodynamical modeling has shown that while the Sun's gaseous protoplanetary disk was present the giant planets migrated into a compact orbital configuration in a chain of resonances. Here we use dynamical simulations to show that the giant planets' instability was likely triggered by the dispersal of the gaseous disk. As the disk evaporated from the inside-out, its inner edge swept successively across and dynamically perturbed each planet's orbit in turn. The associated orbital shift caused a dynamical compression of the exterior part of the system, ultimately triggering instability. The final orbits of our simulated systems match those of the Solar System for a viable range of astrophysical parameters. The giant planet instability therefore took place as the gaseous disk dissipated, constrained by astronomical observations to be a few to ten million years after the birth of the Solar System. Terrestrial planet formation would not complete until after such an early giant planet instability; the growing terrestrial planets may even have been sculpted by its perturbations, explaining the small mass of Mars relative to Earth.

  • An effective field theory of holographic dark energy

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A general covariant local field theory of the holographic dark energy model is presented. It turns out the low energy effective theory of the holographic dark energy is the massive gravity theory whose graviton has 3 polarisations, including one scalar mode and two tensor modes. The Compton wavelength is the size of the future event horizon of the universe. The UV-IR correspondence in the holographic dark energy model stems from the scalar graviton's strong coupling at the energy scale that marks the breaking down of the effective field theory.

  • Strategies to reduce the thermoelastic loss of multimaterial coated finite substrates

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Thermoelastic loss is one of the main energy dissipation mechanisms in resonant systems. A careful analysis of the thermoelastic loss is critical to design low-noise resonators for high-precision applications, such as gravitational-wave detectors. This paper presents an analytical solution to the thermoelastic loss in multimaterial coated finite substrates with realistic assumptions on the model structure and the elastic fields. The mechanism responsible for thermoelastic loss is taken as a function of material properties, operating temperature and frequency, and other design parameters. We calculate the thermoelastic loss for specific applications over a wide range of frequencies (1 Hz to 10 GHz) and temperatures (1 K to 300 K), and for a variety of substrate and coating materials. The result is relevant for gravitational-wave detectors and for experiments sensitive to mechanical dissipation.

  • Nonlinear reconstruction of features in the primordial power spectrum from large-scale structure

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Potential features in the primordial power spectrum have been searched for in galaxy surveys in recent years since these features can assist in understanding the nature of inflation. The null detection to date suggests that any such features should be fairly weak, and next-generation galaxy surveys, with their unprecedented sizes and precisions, are in a position to place stronger constraints than before. However, even if such primordial features once existed in the early Universe, they would have been significantly damped in the nonlinear regime at low redshift due to structure formation, which makes them difficult to be directly detected in real observations. A potential way to tackle this challenge for probing the features is to undo the cosmological evolution, i.e., using reconstruction to obtain an approximate linear density field. By employing a set of N-body simulations, here we show that a recently-proposed nonlinear reconstruction algorithm can effectively retrieve damped oscillatory features from halo catalogues and improve the accuracy of the measurement of feature parameters (assuming that such primordial features do exist). We do a Fisher analysis to forecast how nonlinear reconstruction affects the constraining power, and find that it can lead to significantly more robust constraints on the feature amplitude for a DESI-like survey. Comparing nonlinear reconstruction with other ways of improving constraints, such as increasing the survey volume and range of scales, this shows that it is possible to achieve what the latter do, but at a lower cost.

  • Machine Learning for Discovering Effective Interaction Kernels between Celestial Bodies from Ephemerides

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Building accurate and predictive models of the underlying mechanisms of celestial motion has inspired fundamental developments in theoretical physics. Candidate theories seek to explain observations and predict future positions of planets, stars, and other astronomical bodies as faithfully as possible. We use a data-driven learning approach, extending that developed in Lu et al. ($2019$) and extended in Zhong et al. ($2020$), to a derive stable and accurate model for the motion of celestial bodies in our Solar System. Our model is based on a collective dynamics framework, and is learned from the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab's development ephemerides. By modeling the major astronomical bodies in the Solar System as pairwise interacting agents, our learned model generate extremely accurate dynamics that preserve not only intrinsic geometric properties of the orbits, but also highly sensitive features of the dynamics, such as perihelion precession rates. Our learned model can provide a unified explanation to the observation data, especially in terms of reproducing the perihelion precession of Mars, Mercury, and the Moon. Moreover, Our model outperforms Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation in all cases and performs similarly to, and exceeds on the Moon, the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffman equations derived from Einstein's theory of general relativity.

  • Slow Neutron-Capture Process: Low-mass AGB stars and presolar silicon carbide grains

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Presolar grains are microscopic dust grains that formed in the stellar winds or explosions of ancient stars that died before the formation of the solar system. The majority (~90% in number) of presolar silicon carbide (SiC) grains, including types mainstream (MS), Y, and Z, came from low-mass C-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, which is supported by the ubiquitous presence of SiC dust observed in the circumstellar envelope of AGB stars and the signatures of slow neutron-capture process preserved in these grains. Here, we review the status of isotope studies of presolar AGB SiC grains with an emphasis on heavy-element isotopes and highlight the importance of presolar grain studies for nuclear astrophysics. We discuss the sensitives of different types of nuclei to varying AGB stellar parameters and how their abundances in presolar AGB SiC grains can be used to provide independent, detailed constraints on stellar parameters, including 13C formation, stellar temperature, and nuclear reaction rates.