• 吉兰泰盐湖防护体系建立38 a 以来土壤养分特征

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Soil Science submitted time 2023-05-30 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract: This study was established to evaluate the influence of the Jilantai Salt Lake protection system on soil nutrient accumulation. This is a comparative study of soil nutrient accumulation in different protection system types under the salt lake protection system (zones for fixing shifting sand, fencing dunes for grass recovery, preventing wind and stopping sand, and a forest for protecting the salt lake) using the method of representative investigation and laboratory analysis. The goal was to provide a theoretical basis for the management of shelter forest in Jilantai Salt Lake. Our results showed the following: (1) The increases in soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), available nitrogen (AN), and available phosphorus (AP) contents were in the range of 0.45-1.92 g·kg-1, 0.03-0.58 g·kg-1, 0.15-0.43 g·kg-1, 1.33-13.31 mg·kg-1, and 0.12-12.94 mg· kg-1, respectively. Soil depth, protection system type, and their interaction had significant positive effects on the increase in the soil SOC, TN, TP, and AP contents. (2) Establishment of the salt lake protection system had a significant effect on soil nutrients at a depth of approximately 0-100 cm, and the soil depth, protection system type, and their interaction had a significant impact on soil TP relative interaction intense (RIITP), AN relative interaction intense (RIIAN), AP relative interaction intense (RIIAP), and total RII. (3) Nutrient restoration index showed that soil nutrients improved to different degrees in different protection system types of the salt lake protection system, and their nutrient restoration indexes of zones for fixing shifting sand, fencing dunes for grass recovery, preventing wind and stopping sand and a forest for protecting the salt lake were 7.83%, 37.72%, 185.12%, and 252.36%, respectively. This study showed that, in the 38 years since its establishment, the salt lake protection system could effectively promote soil nutrient accumulation and accelerate soil nutrient restoration in the salt lake area, benefitting the ecological restoration and reconstruction around Jilantai Salt Lake.

  • 西鄂尔多斯珍稀濒危沙冬青及伴生种对土壤特征的影响

    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry,Livestock & Aquatic Products Science >> Soil Science submitted time 2023-05-30 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract: Abstract:This study was conducted to explore the influence of desert shrubs and their associated species on soil particle size and nutrient spatial heterogeneity under shrubs. The mixed community of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and Sarcozygium xanthoxylon and a single plant of A. mongolicus in the Western Ordos National Nature Reserve were selected as the research samples. The surrounding bare sandy land without vegetation cover was used as control. The soil particle size characteristics, nutrient accumulation changes, and the relationship between nutrients and particle size composition under different shrub distribution types were analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) Compared with the mixed community of A. mongolicus-S. xanthoxylon, the volume percentages of soil clay, silt, and fine sand of the single A. mongolicus increased by 0.8%, 0.8%, and 0.71%, respectively. As the types of shrubs decrease, soil particle size became smaller in turn, sorting deteriorated, the fractal dimension became smaller, the soil particle distribution gradually became asymmetric, and the particle composition was concentrated at fine particles. (2) The contents of soil organic matter and alkali- hydrolyzable nitrogen increased by 1.85 g·kg-1 and 8.18 g·kg-1, respectively, with the increase in shrub species. The accumulation of organic matter and available phosphorus by a single A. mongolicus was stronger than that by A. mongolicus-S. xanthoxylon; however, the accumulation of alkali- hydrolyzable nitrogen was slightly poor than that of A. mongolicus-S. xanthoxylon. (3) A. mongolicus-S. xanthoxylon available soil phosphorus content was significantly positively correlated with fine sand content (P<0.05), and A. mongolicus available soil nitrogen and potassium were significantly positively correlated with coarse sand (P<0.05). A. mongolicus-S. xanthoxylon can effectively promote soil granulation and significantly improve soil nutrients. However, the presence of the associated species S. xanthoxylon reduced the enrichment of organic matter and available phosphorus by A. mongolicus.

  • 西鄂尔多斯天然荒漠灌丛光合生态适应性

    Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Resource Sciences >> Basic Disciplines of Environmental Science and Technology submitted time 2020-04-26 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:为了探究西鄂尔多斯地区荒漠灌丛的光合生态适应性,以4种天然荒漠灌丛半日花(Helianthemum songaricum)、红砂(Reaumuria songarica)、沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus )、霸王(Sarcozygium xanthoxylon)为研究材料,利用Li-6400便携式光合测定仪野外原位测定荒漠灌丛日光合动态和季节动态规律。结果表明:① 不同季节灌丛光合作用适宜的温度存在差异,高温环境使灌丛净光合速率最适温度升高,低温环境使其降低。② 不同季节4种灌丛的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率和气孔导度日变化曲线趋势为“双峰形”,胞间CO2浓度日变化曲线趋势为“W形”,但不同季节各指标平均日变化趋势表现各异。③ 不同季节灌丛净光合能力表现为:沙冬青>霸王>红砂>半日花,说明沙冬青具有较强的生态适应性。④ 净光合速率和蒸腾速率日变化趋势几乎保持同步状态,表明4种灌丛叶片气孔对外界环境变化反应敏感。⑤ 水分是限制荒漠灌丛生长发育的关键因素。为了保证荒漠植物的群落稳定性和生物多样性,在夏、秋季需对沙冬青、半日花、红砂和霸王进行水分管理。

  • 吉兰泰荒漠绿洲过渡带白刺灌丛沙堆形态示量特征

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract: Nitraria tangutorum nebkha is a common natural landscape in the desert- oasis ecotone of Jilantai; however, the growth characteristics of N. tangutorum shrubs and the morphological characteristics of N. tangutorum nebkhas under different background vegetation coverages remain unknown. Through the measurement of shrubs and morphological characteristics of N. tangutorum nebkhas, the variability of morphological parameters of N. tangutorum nebkhas and the relationship between the growth characteristics and morphology of N. tangutorum nebkhas were quantitatively analyzed under different background vegetation coverages. The influence of background vegetation coverage on the succession of N. tangutorum nebkhas was also discussed. Results showed that: (1) the evolution of N. tangutorum nebkhas was stable under four different background vegetation coverages. The morphological parameters of N. tangutorum nebkhas gradually developed toward large scale and small density with the increasing background vegetation coverage. (2) Overall, a good correlation was found between the morphological parameters of N. tangutorum nebkhas under different background vegetation coverages. (3) In the desert-oasis ecotone of Jilantai, the relationship between the L and W of N. tangutorum nebkhas followed a quadratic or power function, and the relationship between the A and V of N. tangutorum nebkhas followed a power function. Except for sample site 1, the relationship between A and H and between H and D followed linear trend and power function, respectively. (4) The coverage of N. tangutorum nebkhas was mainly 40%- 80%, accounting for 64.62% of total N. tangutorum nebkhas in the desert- oasis ecotone of Jilantai. This finding indicated that the N. tangutorum nebkhas in the study area is well grown, widely developed, and temporarily not a source of wind and sand damage to the oasis.

  • 不同生境白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)灌丛沙堆形态特征

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Other Disciplines of Geosciences submitted time 2019-09-09 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract:以吉兰泰荒漠绿洲过渡带为研究区,通过对不同生境条件下的白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)灌丛沙堆形态特征、各形态参数间关系及白刺灌丛生长特征进行定量分析。结果表明:① 随着梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)林龄的增加(白刺纯林除外),白刺灌丛沙堆各形态参数变化范围较大,并向长椭球形方向发展,部分向不对称“蝌蚪状”方向演化。② 4种不同生境条件下,白刺灌丛沙堆各形态参数相关系数均在0.782以上(P0.721 7)和幂函数、二次函数关系(R2>0.835 1)且斜率均为正,表明4种生境灌丛沙堆均处于发育阶段。④ 白刺灌丛株高和盖度对灌丛沙堆形态特征有明显影响,即白刺灌丛株高越高、盖度越大,白刺灌丛沙堆高度、底面积和体积也逐渐增大。