• 喜欢悲伤音乐的心理机制 *

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Previous studies have shown that sad music could evoke the aesthetic pleasure or other psychological benefits while inducing sadness. Based on these existing evidence, two major psychological theories have been proposed: one is the " dissociation theory ", the other is the" neutralization theory ". Both theories have been used to elaborate how sad music becomes pleasurable. However, neither can provide a comprehensive and reasonable explanation. Therefore, further exploration of the specific reward processing of sad music is of great significance. Future research need to clarify the neural basis of the existing psychological theories from the neurobiological perspectives.

  • 反馈负波及其近10年理论解释

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: External feedback plays a vital role in ongoing outcome monitoring and future behavioral adjustments. Previous event-related potentials (ERPs) studies have consistently associated the feedback- related negativity (FRN) component with feedback processing after decision making. Until now, several theoretical interpretations of FRN were proposed and continuously updated in the last decade, including the classical reinforcement learning theory, affective-motivational hypothesis, reward positivity (RewP) theory, Predicted response-outcome model (PRO model) and Positive affective model. Whereas different models emphasized on different aspects, no unified theory has yet been proposed to integrate all of the existing experimental evidences. Based on these literature reviews, we argued that big-sample data, multiple and complementary technologies are highly necessary in future FRN studies. Moreover, we proposed that FRN should be considered as an electrophysiological index of reward system to investigate human behaviors in complex social interaction contexts.

  • 右腹外侧前额叶对高抑郁水平成年人社会情绪调节的作用:一项tDCS研究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2018-10-26 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:已有的经颅直流电刺激(transcranial direct current stimulation, tDCS)研究证明, 右腹外侧前额叶(right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, RVLPFC)是社会情绪调节的重要脑区, 激活RVLPFC可显著降低人们对社会性负性情绪体验的强度。社会功能受损是抑郁症患者或抑郁倾向人群的重要特征之一。该群体对社会排斥的敏感性高, 且对负性社会情绪体验的情绪调节能力降低。在本研究中, 我们采用外显的情绪调节任务, 研究了高、低抑郁水平的两组成年人被试在RVLPFC接受阳性tDCS后其情绪调节能力的改变。结果表明, 虽然采用tDCS激活RVLPFC可帮助被试通过情绪调节(认知重评)减弱负性情绪体验, 但高抑郁水平被试的负性情绪强度下降程度明显小于低抑郁水平被试。另外本文还发现, 与源于个人的负性情绪相比, tDCS效应对源于社会的负性情绪(即社会排斥)更强。本研究是采用电或磁刺激提高抑郁人群社会情绪调节能力的首次尝试。实验结果表明, 高抑郁水平成年人的RVLPFC仅通过单次、短时间(34 min)的tDCS激活, 其情绪调节能力并未得到显著提升。这提示对抑郁倾向群体或抑郁症患者的干预或治疗需要多次施加tDCS。

  • 特质焦虑对急性心理性应激反应的预测

    Subjects: Psychology >> Physiological Psychology submitted time 2018-09-07 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: 急性应激反应使得个体在紧急情况下迅速调动心理生理资源, 从而更好地面对当前的挑战。本研究采用特里尔社会应激测试(Trier Social Stress Test, TSST), 以心率和唾液皮质醇为应激反应指标, 在控制了性别、年龄和受教育时间三个人口学变量的条件下, 探讨特质焦虑对急性心理性应激反应的预测作用。结果发现:(1) TSST成功地诱发了被试的应激反应, 表现为心率加快和唾液皮质醇含量升高; (2)分层回归结果显示, 特质焦虑对急性应激状态下的心率变化具有预测作用, 对唾液皮质醇变化的预测效应未达到显著水平。上述结果表明特质焦虑和急性应激反应的快反应指标——交感神经系统——密切相关, 特质焦虑水平越高, 急性应激状态下的交感神经系统反应越小。特质焦虑水平较高的个体可能由于长期的焦虑造成心肌细胞的过度消耗, 从而导致急性应激反应受限。