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Your conditions: 北京大学
  • A survey and research on the digital habits and digital literacy of Chinese elementary school students

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2024-04-18

    Abstract: Purpose/Significance In the context of Artificial Intelligence + and Digital Education , many primary and secondary school students have already started using smartphones for information searching and leisure entertainment. However, there is still a lack of extensive research on the current situation of smartphone usage among primary school students and their digital literacy. This study conducts a survey on digital habits and digital literacy among primary school students in China, comparing samples from developed and underdeveloped regions, with the aim to provide a basis for the design of information technology curricula for primary school students and to offer suggestions for improving digital literacy in the new era. Research Design/Method This study collected data on the digital habits and digital literacy of upper primary school students using a questionnaire survey method, resulting in 701 valid responses. Based on this, methods such as descriptive statistics, difference testing, clustering, and text encoding were used to describe and compare the current situation of digital habits and literacy among primary school students. Conclusion/Findings Primary school students exhibit rich and good digital habits and have a certain level of digital literacy, but there is room for improvement in digital skills, digital awareness, and digital learning intentions. Significant differences are also noted between students from underdeveloped and developed regions. Innovation/Value This research fills the gap in surveys on digital habits and literacy among primary school students and proposes suggestions for cultivating correct digital habits and improving digital education policies.

  • Status and Prospect for Chinese Planetary Physics

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Numerous great discoveries have been made in the field of deep space exploration over the past 50 years, and they deepen our knowledge and synergetic comprehension greatly about the Earth, Planets, and the Solar system. The deep space exploration not only acts as impetus to drive the development of modern science and technology, but also fosters the planetary physics as a new interdiscipline. This study analyzes the background and current status for the discipline of planetary physics, and compares the progress made on the planetary physics of China with that of the other well-developed countries. The relationship of the Chinese planetary physics with the other traditional disciplines, like geophysics, space physics etc., as well as with the projects of deep space missions is elaborated. Based on the current status and developing trend of planetary study, this paper presents possible directions as well as instructive suggestions for the development of Chinese planetary physics in the near future.

  • Data Science and Computing Intelligence: Concept, Paradigm, and Opportunities

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The development of data science is valuable to clarify the theoretical boundary of data science, and provides new possibilities and opportunities for the sustainable development of computing intelligence. Meanwhile, the development of computing intelligence and the emergence of new intelligence paradigms can offer new chance for applications of big data in various industries and fields. This paper discusses the connotation of data science, the development of computing intelligence, the new intelligence paradigm, and lists the key applications leading the development of data science and computing intelligence. Furthermore, based on the discussion during the 667th Xiangshan Science Conference, seven key problems of data science and computing technology are proposed, anticipating to attract attentions of both researchers and applications in related fields, grasping the opportunity of the era, and promoting sustainable development of data science and computing intelligence.

  • Development and Challenges of Synthetic Genetic Circuits

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-19 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Genetic circuits are dynamic regulation systems that control the life of every living organism. With the principles of engineering, synthetic genetic circuits are designed through simplifying and re-programming natural genetic circuits, and even by creating completely new principles that does not exist in nature. Genetic circuits are consisting of a wide variety of components, including genetic switches, oscillators, logic gates, and so on. The development of diverse synthetic circuits not only facilitated the understanding of basic principles of life, but also enabled the rebuilding of natural biological systems which has provided brand new solutions for a broad range of applications including medicine, agriculture, and industrial fermentation. In the last two decades, the design of synthetic genetic circuits has been seen rapid development, but the complexity of intercellular biochemical reactions and signal transductions still poses great challenges for building genetic circuits with more sophisticated functions. Consequently, the pathways toward predictable assembly in cells of microscopic scale and ensuring reliable circuit performance in complex environments would be major subjects that challenge all researchers in this field.

  • C9高校图书馆新闻追踪及信息提取

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Retrieval submitted time 2023-03-17

    Abstract: 目的/意义 受高校间信息交流方式和频率的限制,加之疫情的影响,高校图书馆之间无法全面快捷的了解到同行间的新闻资讯及资源动态等信息(以下简称资讯动态)。 方法/过程 分析统计了国内C9高校的图书馆门户网站页面结构,编写热插拔式的网络爬虫抓取资讯动态相关页面内容,同时避免对对方网络设备和流量造成压力和影响,并对抓取到的文本内容进行信息提取,取出关键词并绘制词云图。 结果/结论 以禅道开源框架为基础,构建信息查询和展示平台,供馆领导及采访馆员关注同行资讯动态。并对此应用场景扩展到国内外更多的高校进行了总结与展望。

  • Mechanism of prognosis and intervention strategy for child posttraumatic stress disorder: Based on the long tail effect theory

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2022-03-26


    Child PTSD was indicated to have a long tail effect, as great heterogeneity exists among children with PTSD regarding their following health outcomes. Though heavy burden from Child PTSD was found on individuals, families, and society, a few studies have systematically examined the types and mechanisms of prognosis of Child PTSD in a Chinese context, let alone specific intervention strategies. This study aims to conduct a longitudinal survey and quasi-experimental intervention among students, and tries to identify the long-term trajectory types and mechanisms of Child PTSD prognosis in China. Moreover, based on a school-based teacher-children-parents cooperation framework, we would provide targeted intervention services to reduce the risk of Child PTSD, further shed light on individual-centered care in clinical practice. 


  • The processing mechanism of aesthetic pleasure in the perspective of neuroaesthetics

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2021-04-30

    Abstract: The aesthetic objects arouse aesthetic pleasure that is specific and intense. The Pleasure-Interest of Aesthetic model (PIA) suggests that aesthetic processing is a dual-process including the automatic processing for sensory pleasure and the control processing for aesthetic interest pleasure. Here we review recent work on the neural substrates of aesthetic pleasure. A large body of studies demonstrate that the orbitofrontal cortex is automatically activated by aesthetic objects and different modes of connection with the striatum support different aspects of aesthetic processing. These results consistent with the PIA model. However, the default mode network (DMN) is activated and the lateral prefrontal cortex is deactivated when the aesthetic flow experience occurs, indicating that beyond the dual-process highlighted by the PIA model there is a higher level of aesthetic flow pleasure. We point out that the PIA model needs to be expanded to include this dimension of aesthetic processing and further studies should be conducted on how the aesthetic experience could impact upon creativity and to what extent different aesthetic experiences have the same or differential neural bases for giving rise to aesthetic pleasure.

  • 基于词向量的汉语成语的语义透明度分析

    Subjects: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics >> Linguistics and Applied Linguistics submitted time 2020-10-20

    Abstract: 本文基于语义透明度的计算公式,计算了部分汉语成语的语义透明度。基于实验结 果,我们发现汉语成语的语义透明度整体偏低,这是因为成语蕴含着丰富的文化意义,若 不了解成语背后的文化故事,便很难理解成语的语义,致使其语义透明度低;成语字面义 与衍生义之间的关联度也是影响成语语义透明度的关键因素,关联度高则语义透明度也 高。语义透明度相对较高的成语多为联合式语法结构,并且成语整体的语义与两个组成部 分的语义经常相等或相近。

  • 基于随机森林插值的中亚夏季极端高温变化特征

    Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Resource Sciences >> Basic Disciplines of Environmental Science and Technology submitted time 2020-07-02 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》


  • Identifying Culture and Cooperative Behavior Pattern in Belt-Road Area: A Psychological Analysis of Big Data on Twitter

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer Application Technology submitted time 2018-03-15

    Abstract: 理清“一带一路”沿线国家或地区的民心特点,并找到有效的合作交往模式,是关系到国家战略实施的重大问题。但是,由于地域辽阔、民族众多,且地缘政治、经济、文化因素(如原苏联影响、欧美国家殖民、宗教传统等)异常复杂,传统的分析方法往往难以奏效。该研究结合文化心理学和大数据分析技术,利用社交媒体Twitter数据来分析“一带一路”沿线国家或地区的自我表征特点(独立性或个人主义),并建立自我表征与社会信任(普遍信任、特殊信任)的预测模型,以探究与“一带一路”沿线国家或地区合作交往的行为模式,即:自我表征是独立,还是互依;人际关系偏好是陌生人之间的普遍信任,还是熟人间的特殊信任。结果表明,“一带一路”沿线国家或地区在自我独立性这一个人主义文化指标上存在较大的变异,且主要受欧美国家殖民历史和当地宗教传统的影响;此外,针对陌生人、外国人的普遍信任与针对家人、熟人的特殊信任,可以通过个人主义指标来预测。总之,“一带一路”沿线的文化是多样的,可以通过社交媒体产生的海量语料库快速计算其个人主义指标,并以此来建立自我表征与社会信任的预测模型。该研究为分析“一带一路”战略区域的“民心”特点、探索当地合作交往的行为模式提供了新的技术路径。