• The design and application of in-depth interview in primary care research

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Clinical Medicine submitted time 2022-11-23 Cooperative journals: 《中国全科医学》


    In-depth interview is to understand the experience and lifestyle of a certain social group through in-depth conversation with the respondents, explore the formation process of specific phenomena, and put forward ideas and recommendations to solve problems. In-depth interview has been widely used in the study of primary care research. Thus, understanding its basic concept and mastering the design and application process is essential to master this method. This paper comprehensively expounds the process of the three stages of implementing in-depth interview research. Before formally carrying out in-depth interview research, researchers need to understand its basic concepts, characteristics and limitations related to the research purpose and process, and identify which studies are applicable if using this method. In the design and implementation of in-depth interview research, researchers should focus on the main steps of the research in four stages: recruitment of interviewees, design and modification of interview guide, collection of interview data, and analysis of interview data. After completing the data analysis of the in-depth interview, researchers need to write a research paper referring to criteria or standards of qualitative research to increase the credibility of research results and the transparency of the research process. In addition, this paper recommends five fields suitable for in-depth interviews in primary care research, and introduces learning resources for researchers to master in-depth interview methods. Through the introduction of in-depth interview research method, this paper aims to help researchers in the field of general practice/primary care to master a method suitable for scientific research, and provide methodology reference for improving the quality of qualitative research in this field in China.

  • 全科医学研究中混合方法研究的设计和实施要点及案例解析

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Clinical Medicine submitted time 2022-08-17 Cooperative journals: 《中国全科医学》

    Abstract: General practice research often pays attention not only to the physical health of patients, professional competence of doctors, and the quality of medical services, but also to the spiritual feelings of patients, motivation of doctors to practice, and the cooperation between doctors and patients. However, these are not resolved well only using quantitative research which is still dominated in the field of general practice. Mixed methods research which integrates qualitative and quantitative research, combining the advantages of both, can analyze specific problems more broadly and in depth, and increase the generalizability of research results, which is suitable for studying complex problems. However, the application of mixed methods research in general practice is still limited in China, and the standardization of its design and implementation needs to be improved. Therefore, this paper plans to introduce the key points in the design and implementation of mixed methods research from methodological lence, combining theory with practice, so as to provide reference for general practitioners who intend to carry out mixed methods research.