• Design and development of scales within the primary care domain: practical steps and statistical methods

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Clinical Medicine submitted time 2022-11-23 Cooperative journals: 《中国全科医学》


    This study outlines statistical methods and practical steps for the design and development of valid and reliable questionnaires within the primary health care domain. A series of studies on questionnaire development and scale design are reviewed and a standard process for scale design within the primary care domain is developed. The process addresses key practical steps in the scale design process as well as statistical methods, and is illustrated by examples from previous relevant studies within the field. We suggest the following seven-step approach to primary health care questionnaire development: (1) defining the conceptions to be measured; (2) generating the pool of items; (3) selecting the scoring system and response format; (4) pretesting (assessing content validity and face validity, etc.); (5) eliminating items by item analysis; (6) initial evaluation of the scale, including reliability evaluation of the scale, and factor analysis or Rasch analysis; (7) re-evaluation of the scale, which reexamines the nature of the scale, including retest reliability and construct validity. In general, scale design type of studies should strictly follow the standard steps of scale development, and the integrated use of Rasch model and factor analysis will make the results of measurement more objective.

  • 全科医学研究中混合方法研究的设计和实施要点及案例解析

    Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy >> Clinical Medicine submitted time 2022-08-17 Cooperative journals: 《中国全科医学》

    Abstract: General practice research often pays attention not only to the physical health of patients, professional competence of doctors, and the quality of medical services, but also to the spiritual feelings of patients, motivation of doctors to practice, and the cooperation between doctors and patients. However, these are not resolved well only using quantitative research which is still dominated in the field of general practice. Mixed methods research which integrates qualitative and quantitative research, combining the advantages of both, can analyze specific problems more broadly and in depth, and increase the generalizability of research results, which is suitable for studying complex problems. However, the application of mixed methods research in general practice is still limited in China, and the standardization of its design and implementation needs to be improved. Therefore, this paper plans to introduce the key points in the design and implementation of mixed methods research from methodological lence, combining theory with practice, so as to provide reference for general practitioners who intend to carry out mixed methods research.