• Digital Technology Enables Construction of National Governance Modernization

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: As digital technologies continue to be integrated into the whole process of economic and social development, promoting the modernization of digital technology-enabled national governance systems and capabilities has become an important way to seize the strategic initiative in the future world competitive landscape, and has attracted the attention of countries around the world. The rapid development of digital technologies such as big data collection, storage, processing, and analysis is constantly optimizing the organizational system structure of national governance, upgrading and perfecting the quality and methods of national governance personnel, and accelerating the process of making national governance efficient, scientific, intelligent and refined. At present, the national governance of China has made remarkable achievements but still faces many problems and challenges. The development of digital technologies for national governance needs scene expansion and talent supply, and the negative effects of digital technologies put new requirements on national governance. Based on the current development needs of the modernization of national governance supported by digital technology, this study puts forward suggestions to promote the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity endowed by digital technology, and quicken the pace to reach the overall goal of realizing the modernization of national governance.

  • 平行智能风沙防治系统构架与功能——以植物措施为例

    Subjects: Geosciences >> Geography submitted time 2019-11-14 Cooperative journals: 《干旱区研究》

    Abstract: 风沙活动复杂多变,使得风沙危害治理周期长、难预测、难评估。目前的风沙防治模拟系统主要基于物理建模框架,由于在受控环境中构建,预测结果容易偏离实际系统。本文从风沙运动物理原理着手,结合人工智能技术构建知识和数据共同驱动风沙防治模型。针对系统的复杂性,提出了一种借鉴实际工程与虚拟实验相互学习的基于ACP(人工社会+计算实验+平行执行)平行系统理论的风沙平行防治系统,预测不同风沙防治行为对风沙活动以及防治效果的影响。其中防治行为为植被种植情况,防治效果通过地表荒漠化程度表达。同时对风沙防治效果进行三维可视化展示,为风沙防治工程项目提供实施前、实施期间的决策支持。