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  • Thoughts on transformation of scientific and technological achievements in field of information technology

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2024-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: To promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is one of the key points of China’s national science and technology innovation policy. Nevertheless, due to the particularity, complexity, and professionalism of technological achievements, being difficult to transform scientific and technological achievements is a worldwide common problem. There are many issues worth discussing and exploring in China’s transformation of scientific and technological achievements, especially when it comes to whether research institutes can transform their achievements by establishing enterprises, the answers remain controversial. The authors intend to take the field of information technology as an example, by analyzing the advantages, disadvantages, and applicable scenarios of several main forms of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, such as intellectual property rights licensing or transferring, industry-university-institute cooperation, and spin offs, to give some opinions on this issue.

  • Computing system for simulation intelligence

    Subjects: Statistics >> Social Statistics submitted time 2024-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: This study refers computer simulation in scientific research to as scientific simulation. Based on its narrow and broad definitions, this study divides scientific simulation into three stages: numerical computation, simulation intelligence, and science brain. Now, scientific simulation is entering the era of simulation intelligence, i. e., driven by scientific big data and artificial intelligence technology, scientific simulation is shifting from traditional numerical simulation to simulation integrated with artificial intelligence. In order to understand what the right computing system for simulation intelligence is, the design guidelines, basic methods, and key technical problems are discussed.

  • Strategic Thoughts on Reconstruction of State Key Laboratories under New Nationwide System

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The allocation of science and technology resources and the organization of science and technology forces, which has always been connected intrinsically with the nation’s development, has adopted different models, undertaken different missions, and played different roles in different stages of the development. This paper conducts a review and analysis on the major challenges faced by the nation, assignment of scientific tasks, organization of science and technology forces, and the output of scientific achievements, from the perspectives of “from standing upright to becoming prosperous and growing in strength”. It aims to provide a deep understanding of the nation’s focus on the state key laboratory reconstruction, as an important tool to facilitate the deepening of the science and technology system reform, and the exploration of the new nationwide system.

  • Information Superbahn: Towards New Type of Cyberinfrastructure

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The world is entering a new era of human-cyber-physical ternary computing with diverse intelligent applications over trillions of devices. This calls for a new type of cyberinfrastructure characterized by a planet-scale, high-goodput, low-entropy computing network, colloquially named Information Superbahn. This article highlights the vision of Information Superbahn, including fundamental requirements, key scientific problems, and a candidate system architecture. The goal of building the Information Superbahn is to natively support human#2;cyber-physical systems and low-entropy computing modes, to reduce the effects of systems disorder. Compared with existing network computing systems, such as Internet, cloud computing, big data and Internet of Things, Information Superbahn aims to achieving higher system goodput and application quality of service.

  • Opportunities and Challenges of Building CPU Ecosystem with Open-source Mode

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: RISC-Ⅴ has been obtained huge attentions and extensively invested over the past decade due to its exciting slogan that “Instruction Sets Want to be Free”. Based on RISC-Ⅴ, we are able to build a “human community with a shared future” in the CPU chip area, although thereare still many challenges. China should explore its capability to make more contributions in building the open-source chip ecosystem.

  • Thoughts on New IT Technique System

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: The world is entering a new period of information society dominated by digital economy. To adapt to the requirements of the new development stage of China, and to achieve the key technologies development, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of a new self#2;reliance and self-improvement IT technique system. The article gives some thoughts on the demand, principle, and key method on above issues, and the new paradigm of research at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • Preface to Topic “Build and Strengthen China’s Information Tech-system”

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Self-reliance and self-strengthening at high level does not depend on a single technique, but on the formation of an advantageous national tech-system, so called “country-as-a-platform”. Information tech-system refers to the whole one that closely connects devices, components, complete machine, system software, middleware, and application software with a series of technical standards and intellectual property rights. We are entering the IT 3.0 era characterized by integration of human-cyber-physical world. The IT 3.0 era will certainly produce a new tech-system different from the IT 1.0 and IT 2.0 eras, which is a rare opportunity for China to build a self-reliance and self-strengthening tech-system. In the future, the information industry ecology will develop in the direction of domain-specific oriented and China’s advantages will be fully reflected in the future competition. The following principles should be paid attention to in the construction of information tech#2;system: (1) correctly deal with the dialectical and unified relationship between self-reliance and open cooperation. We should actively integrate into the global innovation network and make China a broad stage for global scientific and technological opening and cooperation. (2) Before revolutionary devices enter the market on a large scale, the hope of improving computer performance and energy efficiency mainly lies in the innovation of architecture. We should focus on the development of cross layer vertical optimization technology in various fields, and defeat the once mainstream general-purpose chips with acceleration chips and systems suitable for different scenarios. (3) Develop open source ecology and build a community of technological destiny. Open source is not only an effective way to win the strong with the weak and break the technology monopoly, but also an important way to build a self-reliance and self-strengthening tech-system in China. (4) Mainly develop domain specific industrial ecology. The information field has an important characteristic different from other fields: the new market is much larger than the old market. Large market means many innovation scenarios, and the future market of a subdivided field can form a large enough industrial ecology. Another feature of China is that there are many developers, we therefore have the natural advantage in development of domain-specific architecture (DSA). (5) Vigorously develop agile design and agile manufacturing. The cost of chip design is very high, which cause high professional threshold. In the era of ubiquitous interconnection, there is a sharp contradiction between the high demand for chips and the high cost of chip design. Agile design is the most effective way to deal with fragmented application scenarios. This paper briefly introduces eight articles on this special issue of “Build and Strengthen China’s Information Tech-system”. These articles focus on the choice of future technology direction and scientific research mode, which to a certain extent reflects the efforts and expectations of Chinese scientific and technological researchers to explore and establish a new information tech- system.

  • Independent Research and Development of High Throughput Computer in China

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet technologies, the main applications of high performance computing (HPC) are changing form scientific and engineering applications to those focusing on data processing. This situation poses grave challenges for traditional high performance computing architecture, thus high throughput computing (HTC) comes into being. This paper explains the difference between HPC and HTC according to the application features, as well as introduces the basic theory and key technologies of HTC. We also show the research results of HTC chips and systems. Through the breakthrough of above HTC key technologies, it is expected to relieve the bottleneck of core chips, and make due contribution to the China’s new high performance platform in the era of intelligent Internet of Things (IoT).

  • Development and Policy of High Performance Computer

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: High performance computing technology and industry have been developing and flourishing. From serving the only demand for peak performance of national strategic departments to serving market-driving, application promotion, and industrialization advancement, China’s high performance computing has surpassed the three mountains of “breaking blockade”, “breaking monopoly”, and “leading innovation”, gradually narrowing the gap with foreign advanced research and development level, and has achieved worldleading achievements in the design of the whole machine system and other key technologies. In this paper, we analyze the trend of the development of super-computer and the way of the development modes of Sugon super computer, then summarize the challenges of high-performance computers into two points: the sustainable construction of Exascale before the failure of Moore’s law and the revolutionary technology of super-computer system in post-Moore’s law era. In response to these challenges, the paper elaborates policy recommendations for “facing the world’s scientific and technological frontiers, facing the country’s major needs, and facing the national economy’s main battlefield”.

  • Agricultural Simulator: Using Intelligent Technology to Get Data Flow for Black Land Protection

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Information technology is deeply penetrating into all walks of life. Through the acquisition of massive data, modeling and analysis in the information space, it has become an effective means to solve practical problems in the information society. At present, China is vigorously implementing black soil conservation projects. Aiming at the complex system protection engineering,it is necessary to rely on the strength of information technology to carry out problem modeling and algorithm solving in the process of black soil utilization and protection, and find the best protection way through simulation and emulation. Based on the analysis of the black land protection measures worldwide, the study puts forward the design idea of agricultural simulator based on the fifth paradigm from the perspective of intelligent technology, gives the organizational structure of the total factor agricultural simulator, and realizes the rapid operation and iteration of data flow through the intelligent OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loop to continuously optimize the black soil protection technology. Finally, the study proposes the idea and framework of building agricultural simulator in the black land protection demonstration area, as well as the policy suggestions for the application and promotion of agricultural simulator in the process of black land protection.

  • On Dealing with Openness and Self-reliance in Development of Science and Technology

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: China leaders have been always emphasizing both openness and self-reliance over the past decades. However, it is challenging for institutes and researchers to properly deal with the two requirements which are considered to be unachievable at the same time. In this study, we propose four openness modes as well as two principles for handling openness and self-reliance in the development of science and technology. This paper presents the case study on how Chinese computer pioneers made strategical decisions on the openness and self-reliance in the very early age of Chinese computer history. We also retrospect the practice of openness in the history of the development of science and technology in China. Finally, we discuss the feasibility of adopting the open#2;source mode to achieve both openness and self-reliance in the processor area.

  • Build Innovation System of Third Generation of Agricultural Machinery in China

    Subjects: Other Disciplines >> Synthetic discipline submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《中国科学院院刊》

    Abstract: Agricultural mechanization and intelligent agricultural machinery equipment are important basis for improving agricultural production efficiency and rural productivity, and changing the mode of agricultural development. In the past 70 years, China’s agricultural machinery industry has made remarkable achievements. It has become the largest agricultural machinery country in the world, though the backwardness before liberation. Nevertheless, there is still a huge technical gap between China and established powers in the field of agricultural machinery. “Big but not strong” has become the main feature at this stage. To realize the breakthrough “from big to strong” in agricultural machinery industry, the fundamental path is to establish an agricultural machinery innovation system suitable for China’s agricultural production operation mode. This study takes tractor as a typical representative of agricultural machinery industry, and reviews the development process of agricultural machinery industry system in China. Then we divide the agricultural machinery industry system of new China into different generations according to the technological development and the reform of land system. The aim and content of the new generation (third generation) agricultural machinery innovation system are described emphatically. We also discuss the application of new technology innovation system in the Yellow River Delta, and introduce how to build the application system of the third-generation agricultural machinery. Finally, some suggestions are given for the construction of the independent and controllable third generation agricultural machinery innovation system of China.

  • 中国高性能计算研究与应用调查报告

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer Application Technology submitted time 2017-03-10

    Abstract:本报告回顾中国高性能计算机系统研发和应用的历史,介绍目前政府所支持的高性能计算项目、高性 能计算中心、主要研究机构、重要的高性能计算应用领域和国内厂家的现状。从系统研制、应用开发和长期规划方面,与美国、欧洲和日本发达国家的高性能计算进行了比较。此外,本报告还对中国在高性能计 算方面的技术和应用发展方向进行了预测。

  • 文件系统的发展脉络

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer System Architecture submitted time 2016-11-15

    Abstract:本文回顾了文件系统的发展历程,从计算机技术重大进步的全景考察文件系统的发展脉络,分析现有各种文件系统产生的技术背景,并预测未来的数据中心文件系统可能的技术创新。同时,本文还简要地总结了20 年来我们在文件系统方面的研究工作。

  • 综述:可扩展应用与可扩展系统

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Integration Theory of Computer Science submitted time 2016-11-02

    Abstract:可扩展计算机系统在各个领域得到了越来越广泛的应用,这些应用往往具有可扩展的需求,而这些可扩展应用的特征却有很大差异。过去20 年间,用于可扩展应用的系统平台层出不穷,这些平台的优势也各不相同,评价一类应用与某种系统平台相适应的程度成为用户关注的一个关键问题。本文对可扩展应用及可扩展系统进行了综述与分析,并提出了一些评价应用与系统平台匹配程度的参考因素;同时,本文还对近来业界提出的一些热点新名词进行了解释与分析,比较了它们之间的异同。本文的目的是帮助人们深入理解可扩展应用与可扩展系统的特征,帮助用户选择合适的平台以提高应用的效率和资源的利用率,同时激发科研人员进一步探索适应应用新需求的系统平台技术。

  • 文件系统的发展脉络

    Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer Application Technology submitted time 2016-05-04

    Abstract:本文回顾了文件系统的发展历程,从计算机技术重大进步的全景考察文件系统的发展脉络,分析现 有各种文件系统产生的技术背景,并预测未来的数据中心文件系统可能的技术创新。同时,本文还简要地 总结了20 年来我们在文件系统方面的研究工作。