您选择的条件: 2016-06-14
  • 近10年我国糖尿病足治疗领域知识图谱分析

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 图书馆学 分类: 生物学 >> 生物数学 提交时间: 2016-06-14

    摘要: 摘 要:目的: 统计分析近10年我国糖尿病足治疗领域的研究成果及热点,预测我国糖尿病足治疗领域未来发展方向及趋势。方法: 利用SPSS22.0制作绘制年度发文量趋势图、关键聚类分析图及期刊来源频数图,SATI3.1统计文献来源及绘制关键词矩阵,CiteSpace4.0绘制作者、机构和关键词网络共现图谱。结果:国糖尿病足治疗领域年度发文量逐渐增加,波动较小;作者之间合作密切;机构与机构之间的合作较少;关键词较好地反映出了我国糖尿足病近10年的研究进展及成果;同时也存在糖尿病足基础方面的研究较少;糖尿病足治疗领域的期刊来源广泛,但期刊影响因子较低。结论:在今后研究中,我国糖尿病足治疗领域中的相关工作者及机构,应加强合作,重视糖尿病足基础的研究及高质量的成果的发表,努力使我国糖尿病足的治疗达到一个更高的水平。

  • 国际数据期刊出版的案例分析及其特征

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 图书馆学 提交时间: 2016-06-14

    摘要: 【目的】通过梳理国际代表性数据期刊特点!更好地了解数据期刊发展的趋势和特征。 【方法】 选择15种数据期刊进行调研,对其发展现状、学科分布、出版方式、收录内容、引用机制、版权协议以及出版费用等方面进行了分析%。【结果】基于 Scientific Data、F1000 Reaseach、GigaScience 等代表性期刊的分析,成功的数据期刊特点包括科研人员的认知度、学术社群的认可度、知识产权保护以及管理透明化。【结论】中国数据期刊出版界在搭建数据知识库和数据期刊出版平台后,还需关注如何提升国际认知度和认可度,图书馆员除了为科研人员推荐这些开放获取的数据资源外,更重要的是协助他们鉴别良好的数据期刊,以保护他们的知识产权权益。

  • A discussion of the emotive element of knowledge service practice: An empirical study at the Chinese Academy of Sciences

    分类: 图书馆学、情报学 >> 图书馆学 提交时间: 2016-06-14

    摘要: With the arrival of the information age, research activities focused on the practice and approaches of knowledge services are on a marked increase as evidenced in the publications of social sciences. According to a social network analysis on knowledge service related literature, it reveals that information and knowledge workers often fail to take such an important element as the functional role of an emotive engagement into consideration in their study of knowledge services. It has increasingly become an issue of high profile with the rapid development of digital libraries and their web-based knowledge services in China and anywhere else in the world. In order to have a clearer understanding about issues involved in knowledge servicing so as to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of digital libraries in their knowledge service performance, the author has conducted surveys for seven times on the online information seeking behavior of graduate students at the Chinese Academy of Sciences with such research methods as questionnaires, interviews and natural observations during September 2006-June 2009. The research result has showed the emotive element has an important role in the user’s information seeking behavior and in knowledge services practice. Therefore, knowledge services rendered may be more effective by adding the emotiveness-oriented communication element into such practice. This paper recommends that such an emotiveness-oriented communication approach should be carefully studied and factored into libraries’ knowledge services practice.

  • Preliminary analysis of spatial-temporal homogeneity and heterogeneity of TCR β chain CDR3 repertoires in BALB/c mice

    分类: 生物学 >> 细胞生物学 提交时间: 2016-06-14

    摘要: ABSTRACT T-cell response and tolerance in non-lymph tissues (liver and small intestine) differ from lymph tissue response and tolerance as occurs in the spleen and thymus. However, the distribution and composition of the TCR repertoire in non-lymph tissues, and how they differ and associate with counterparts in lymph tissue, peripheral blood and non-lymph tissue is unclear. Thus, we studied these tissues in BALB/c mice at one-, three- and five-months-of-age. Genomic DNA were extracted from organs and multiple PCR amplification was performed for the TCT β chain CDR3 region, followed by high-throughput sequencing(HTS) of the CDR3 region. Spatial-temporal homogeneity and heterogeneity of TCR β chain CDR3 repertoires were analyzed and compared. Data show that total CDR3 repertoire diversity was the same across mouse ages and diversity of thymal CDR3 in the youngest mouse was significantly greater than the older mice. CDR3 intestinal diversity in the oldest mouse was greater than in the other two mice. CDR3 diversity in the thymus spleen and blood for all mice exceeded that of the livers and small intestine and CDR3 in the spleen, blood, and liver decreased with ageing. At all ages, lowly -expanded clone (LEC) was greatest in the thymus, followed by the spleen, blood, liver, and small intestines and highly-expanded clones (HEC) had the opposite trend. Liver medium-expanded clones (MEC) was the most abundant compared to other tissues at all animal ages. Overlapping CDR3 in total CDR3 sequences were greatest in the small intestine, and least in the thymus at all ages and overlapped CDR3 had the opposite pattern. The distribution of CDR3 repertoire length was normal, with a median of 14 amino acids in tissues of all mice but the youngest mouse intestinal distribution had a median of 12 amino acids. CDR3 repertoire amino acid usage was consistent among all mouse tissues and K, M, H, I were abnormally low. V, D, and J usage in the CDR3 repertoire were not different at any age nor were TRBV, TRBD, and TRBJ usage. Usage of the TRBV1, TRBV5, TRB13, TRBV19, and TRBV31 family was high frequency, and the TRBJ01-7(ORF) and TRBJ02-6 (P) family was used at low frequency. TRBJ02-7 usage was significantly higher compared to other TRBJ families. TRBD01 usage was significantly higher than TRBD02 usage. For n-insertions and v, j, d5, and d3 deletions, there were some differences among examined tissues. Thus, the composition and characteristics of the CDR3 repertoire are unique across different tissues at different ages in BALB/c mice. CDR3 repertoire composition was similar within the thymus, blood, spleen, and liver at all ages; and the intestinal composition was different from the thymus, spleen, blood, and liver. These data offer a novel method to explore source, differentiation, proliferation and response of distinct T cells in different tissues at different mouse ages.

  • Thermal rectification in coupled rotor lattices with gradient mass

    分类: 物理学 >> 凝聚态:结构、力学和热性能 提交时间: 2016-06-14

    摘要: Heat conduction through one-dimensional (1D) coupled rotator lattices is investigated in the presence of mass gradient. It is found that thermal current in the direction of mass increasing is not asymmetric with heat flux though mass decreasing system, which is called thermal rectification. Moreover, we find that the larger is the mass gradient, the more evident is the thermal rectification effect, which is consistent with FPU lattice with mass gradient. Based on the influences of the thermal rectification on shape parameters K and A of nearest-neighbor interactions, the average temperature of atomic chain and the system size, a optimum thermal rectifier is designed, which thermal rectification efficiency has reached 70. These investigations would contribute to controlling and manipulating thermal current.