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  • 好奇影响灵感产生的现象与机制:认知与情绪双加工路径

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: The Chinese market economic system is led by the government to a great extent, which has impeded the transformation of the Chinese economy from a factor driven economy to an innovation driven one. The question of how to maintain and promote innovation has caused wide concern of the researchers and enterprises. Researchers have found that the curiosity and inspiration belong to subprocess and component of creativity and innovation. Moreover, inspiration has a dependent psychological construct and varied process, which can be influenced by conscious emotions. Based on these findings, this project started from the perspective of dual-process theory (cognitive and affect processes) to reveal the phenomenon of inspiration triggered by curiosity. The project intends to testify processing mechanism of inspiration on both behavioral science and cognitive neuroscience levels. This project can not only contribute to the development of inspiration theory, but also help to foster the creativity and innovation of entrepreneur and employees.

  • 消费者拍照行为影响消费体验的双刃剑效应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: The evolution of digital photographic technology and the rise of social media have made photo-taking an indispensable part of people’s daily lives. Photo-taking can provide consumers with concrete evidence of their experiences; it can also invite them to revisit their recollections of the experience and share the memories with others. Although photo-taking has become an integral part of people’s everyday lives, no review studies have been found that synthesize or theoretically explain the influence of photo-taking on consumption experiences. Consumers may use photo-taking to create visual records of their consumption experiences. Photo-taking behavior in the broad sense includes not just shooting images, but also a variety of photo-related activities such as looking back, editing, and sharing photos.What impact does photo-taking behavior have on consumption experiences? This paper presents a review of studies on the effect of photo-taking on consumption experiences. We creatively differentiate the influence of photo-taking behaviors on consumption experiences into two categories: bonus effect and deficiency effect, composing the double-edged sword effect, which could be explained from the theoretical perspectives of motivation, cognition, and emotion. On the one hand, photo-taking behavior can provide consumers with a kind of bonus impact based on the “visual experience bonus,” that is, the pleasant emotional and cognitive reactions elicited by photo-taking behavior via concentrating consumers on visual components. For example, taking photos may direct customers’ attention to the focal part of the visual elements and increase their visual recollection of the encounter. On the other hand, photo-taking behavior might cause negative consequences on consumers, in that consumers may miss the genuine experience of other sensory experiences (i.e., smell, taste, hearing, and touch) because of their concentration on the visual experience in a photo shoot, a condition known as “the deprivation of other sensory experiences.” For example, taking photos during an experience forces consumers’ attention to switch between the experience and taking photos, leading to distraction from the experience; taking photos prompts consumers to focus on the visual experience, resulting in less experience with other senses and lower memory accuracy.Based on prior research, our paper recommends practical future research directions, with the goal of providing some reference for research and corporate marketing practice in this field. The future research topics can be extended in three aspects. First, researchers can explore how different objects in photo-taking affect consumption experiences, product reputation, and brand attitudes. Furthermore, objects in photo-taking activate visual and other sensory imagery. As a result, it is also possible to investigate the breadth and depth of other sensory imagery experiences elicited by photo-taking behavior. Second, in the future, the boundary conditions of the bonus impact of photo-taking on consumption experiences in various social and experiential settings may be investigated. The influence of photo-taking behavior on consumption experience may change depending on the social milieu and kind of encounter. Third, the double-edged sword impact of photo-taking behavior should be explored more in corporate marketing research. Consumer engagement and immersion in the activity may be reduced if photo-taking behavior concentrates on visual features while disregarding the true senses of hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Therefore, the influence of photo-bonus taking’s effect on improving corporate marketing performance may be particularly investigated, as well as expanding research on the positive impact of photo-taking on re-experiencing intents and behaviors.

  • “乐”于合作:感知社会善念诱导合作行为的情绪机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Cooperative behaviour is important for the sustainable development of human being. The underpinning mechanisms of the display and maintenance of this behaviour are, however, vastly unknown. These under-researched questions have attracted the attention of researchers in psychology, biology, economics, and neuroscience. In everyday life, cooperation is a complicated decision involving the cognitive perception of other peoples’ state of mind, emotion and behavioral intention during the interpersonal interaction. Cooperative behaviour happens in both individual and group levels. Besides motivated by economic reasons such as rewards and punishments, individuals may also cooperate because of social reasons, such as, trust and positive emotion. Social mindfulness means people notice and protect other’s autonomous needs in the process of interpersonal interactions. Social mindfulness is a crucial way to enhance other people’s positive emotion and establish interpersonal relationships. It provides a new perspective in the investigation of the dynamic processes underlying cooperative behaviour. Whether individuals will contribute more to the group depends on their experiencing of positive emotion in interpersonal interaction. The present research aims to investigate this process through two game experiments conducted in real contexts of interpersonal interaction. This research revealed how and why the people’s social mindfulness would influence recipient’s cooperative behaviour through positive emotion. Experiment 1 was in a between-subject design with people’s social mindfulness manipulated in a “selection of goods” game and the recipient’s positive emotion assessed after the game. The recipients participated in a public goods game and the amount of contribution served as an indicator of their cooperative behaviour. The results showed that recipients experiencing high social mindfulness in the “selection of goods” game reported more positive emotion and less negative emotion. More importantly, they were willing to contribute more resources in their subsequent public goods game. Positive emotion mediated the relation between perceived social mindfulness and cooperative behaviour. Based on the results in Experiment 1, we further examined the role of autonomous needs in the relation of social mindfulness and positive emotion in Experiment 2. In this experiment, the level of autonomous needs were manipulated by asking participants to select the amount of help they would like their opponents to give card selection game. The results showed that positive emotion mediated the relation between perceived social mindfulness and cooperative behaviour. Moreover, autonomous needs moderated the link of perceived social mindfulness and positive emotion. Specifically, as compared to those with low autonomous needs, recipients with high autonomous needs experienced less positive emotion when their needs were not satisfied. In conclusion, the present research demonstrates that positive emotion is an important mechanism which helps convey people’s social mindfulness and results in recipient’s cooperative behaviour. The satisfaction of autonomous needs is the basic reason obtaining positive emotion experience. These findings expanded the research on cooperative behaviour and provide evidence on the development of social mindfulness. The present findings shed light on daily decision and management on issues such as: (1) selecting right time to express social mindfulness; (2) enhancing employees’ well-being through social mindfulness; and (3) training employees’ social mindfulness and the helping them establish an “other people oriented” cognitive style.

  • The double-edged sword effect of consumers’ photo-taking behavior on consumption experience

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2022-10-07

    Abstract: Consumers record visual recollections of their experiences via photo-taking. The practice of phototaking is an essential part of consumers’ everyday lives and a crucial marketing tool for businesses. However, few extant studies systematically reviewed the relevant literature on the impact of photo-taking on consumption 15 experiences. Consumption experiences are impacted in a contradictory way by photo-taking. On the one hand, photo-taking provides a “bonus effect” on visual experience, but on the other, it has a “deficiency effect” due to the absence of other true sensory (olfactory\gustatory\auditory\haptic) experiences. Individual and environmental variables may influence the relationship between photo-taking and consumption experiences. Future studies might begin by comparing different effects of objects in photo-taking, focusing on the moderating influence of environmental factors, and extending the two-sided impact of photo-taking on marketing performance