  • More axions from diluted domain walls

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We consider the scenario in which the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking is followed by a period of inflation. A particularly interesting case is that the string-domain wall network produced by the symmetry breaking enters the horizon after the QCD phase transition. We show that the abundance of axions produced by such a string-domain wall network is counterintuitively much larger than the conventional post-inflationary Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking scenario. As a result, a scenario with the axion decay constant even as low as the astrophysical bound of about $10^8$ GeV can explain the observed abundance of dark matter. The axion mini-halos produced from the string-domain wall network is much more massive than the conventional scenario. We also briefly discuss models which can realize this scenario such as a Peccei-Quinn phase transition during inflation or a second inflation after a Peccei-Quinn phase transition.

  • The $ Zb\overlineb $ couplings at future e$^+$ e$^−$ colliders

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2016-09-14

    摘要: Many new physics models predict sizable modifications to the SM Zbb couplings, while the corresponding measurements at LEP and SLC exhibit some discrepancy with the SM predictions. After updating the current results on the Zbb coupling constraints from global fits, we list the observables that are most important for improving the Zbb coupling constraints and estimate the expected precision reach of three proposed future e+e- colliders, CEPC, ILC and FCC-ee. We consider both the case that the results are SM-like and the one that the Zbb couplings deviate significantly from the SM predictions. We show that, if we assume the value of the Zbb couplings to be within 68% CL of the current measurements, any one of the three colliders will be able to rule out the SM with more than 99.9999% CL (5 sigma). We study the implications of the improved Zbb coupling constraints on new physics models, and point out their complementarity with the constraints from the direct search of new physics particles at the LHC, as well as with Higgs precision measurements. Our results provide a further motivation for the construction of future e+e- colliders.

  • ACE2 shedding and furin abundance in target organs may influence the efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 entry

    分类: 医学、药学 >> 基础医学 提交时间: 2020-02-27

    摘要: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a recently identified lineage B coronavirus, causing rapid worldwide outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Despite genetically closed to SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 seems to possess enhanced infectivity and subtle different clinical features, which may hamper the early screening of suspected patients as well as the control of virus transmission. Unfortunately, there are few tools to predict the potential target organ damage and possible clinical manifestations caused by such novel coronavirus. To solve this problem, we investigate the potential host cell entry mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 through bioinformatics. Using the online single-cell sequence datasets, we analyze the expression of major receptor in host cells that mediates the virus entry, including angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), and its co-expressed membrane endopeptidases. The results indicated the differential expression of ADAM10 and ADAM17 might contribute to the ACE2 shedding and affect the membrane ACE2 abundance. We further confirm a putative furin-cleavage site reported recently in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which may facilitate the virus-cell fusion. Based on these findings, we develop a novel approach that comprehensively analyzed the virus receptor expression, ACE2 shedding, membrane fusion activity, virus uptake and virus replication to evaluate the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 to different human organs. Our results indicate that, in addition to airway epithelia, cardiac tissue and enteric canals are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 as well.

  • A unique gravitational wave signal from phase transition during inflation

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We study the properties of the gravitational wave (GW) signals produced by first order phase transitions during the inflation era. We show that the power spectrum of the GW oscillates with its wave number. This signal can be observed directly by future terrestrial and spatial gravitational wave detectors and through the B-mode spectrum in CMB. This oscillatory feature of GW is generic for any approximately instantaneous sources occurring during inflation and is distinct from the GW from phase transitions after the inflation. The details of the GW spectrum contain information about the scale of the phase transition and the later evolution of the universe.

  • Precision Calculation of Inflation Correlators at One Loop

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We initiate a systematic study of precision calculation of the inflation correlators at the 1-loop level, starting in this paper with bosonic 1-loop bispectrum with chemical-potential enhancement. Such 1-loop processes could lead to important cosmological collider observables but are notoriously difficult to compute due to the lack of symmetries. We attack the problem from a direct numerical approach based on the real-time Schwinger-Keldysh formalism and show full numerical results for arbitrary kinematics containing both the oscillatory "signals" and the "backgrounds". Our results show that, while the non-oscillatory part can be one to two orders of magnitude larger, the oscillatory signal can be separated out by applying appropriate high-pass filters. We have also compared the result with analytic estimates typically adopted in the literature. While the amplitude is comparable, there is a non-negligible deviation in the frequency of the oscillatory part away from the extreme squeezed limit.

  • Gravitational Waves from an Inflation Triggered First-Order Phase Transition

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Large excursion of the inflaton field can trigger interesting dynamics. One important example is a first-order phase transition in a spectator sector which couples to the inflaton. Gravitational waves (GWs) from such a first-order phase transition during inflation, an example of an instantaneous source, have an oscillatory feature. In this work, we show that this feature is generic for a source in an era of accelerated expansion. We also demonstrate that the shape of the GW signal contains information about the evolution of the early universe following the phase transition. In particular, the slope of the infrared part of the GW spectrum is sensitive to the evolution of the Hubble parameter when the GW modes reenter the horizon after inflation. The slope of the profile of the intermediate oscillatory part and the ultraviolet part of the GW spectrum depend on the evolution of the Hubble parameter when the modes exit horizon during the inflation and when they reenter the horizon during the reheating. The ultraviolet spectrum also depends on the details of the dynamics of the phase transition. We consider the GW signal in several models of evolution during and after inflation, and compare them with the minimal scenario of quasi-de Sitter inflation followed by radiation domination after a fast reheating, and demonstrate that the shape of the GW can be used to distinguish them. In this way, the GW signal considered in this paper offers a powerful probe to the dynamics of the early universe which is otherwise difficult to explore directly through CMB, large scale structure, big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), and other well-studied cosmological observables.

  • Sub-percentage measure of distances to redshift of 0.1 by a new cosmic ruler

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Distance-redshift diagrams probe expansion history of the Universe. We show that the stellar mass-binding energy (massE) relation of galaxies proposed in our previous study offers a new distance ruler at cosmic scales. By using elliptical galaxies in the main galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7, we construct a distance-redshift diagram over the redshift range from 0.05 to 0.2 with the massE ruler. The best-fit dark energy density is 0.675+-0.079 for flat Lambda-CDM, consistent with those by other probes. At the median redshift of 0.11, the median distance is estimated to have a fractional error of 0.34%, much lower than those by supernova (SN) Ia and baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) and even exceeding their future capability at this redshift. The above low-z measurement is useful for probing dark energy that dominates at the late Universe. For a flat dark energy equation of state model (flat wCDM), the massE alone constrains w to an error that is only a factor of 2.2, 1.7 and 1.3 times larger than those by BAO, SN Ia, and cosmic microwave background (CMB), respectively.

  • Esrrb Activates Oct4 Transcription and Sustains Self-renewal and Pluripotency in Embryonic Stem Cells

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物医药 提交时间: 2017-05-10

    摘要: The genetic program of embryonic stem (ES) cells is orchestrated by a core of transcription factors that has OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG as master regulators. Protein levels of these core factors are tightly controlled by autoregulatory and feed-forward transcriptional mechanisms in order to prevent early differentiation. Recent studies have shown that knockdown of Esrrb (estrogen-related-receptor beta), a member of the nuclear orphan receptor family, induces differentiation of mouse ES cells cultured in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor. It was however not known how knocking down Esrrb exerts this effect. Herein we have identified two ESRRB binding sites in the proximal 5'-untranslated region of the mouse Oct4 gene, one of which is in close proximity to a NANOG binding site. Both ESRRB and NANOG are necessary for maintaining the activity of this promoter in ES cell lines. We have also demonstrated that the two transcription factors interact through their DNA binding domains. This interaction reciprocally modulates their transcriptional activities and may be important to fine-tune ES cell pluripotency. Supporting all of these data, stable transfection of Esrrb in ES cell lines proved sufficient to sustain their characteristics in the absence of leukemia-inhibitory factor. In summary, our experiments help to understand how Esrrb coordinates with Nanog and Oct4 to activate the internal machinery of ES cells.

  • The Mass Assembly History for Galaxies with MaNGA

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2024-03-29 合作期刊: 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》

    摘要: How galaxies assemble masses through their own star formation or interaction with the external environment is still an important topic in the field of galaxy formation and evolution. We use Value Added Catalogs with galaxy features that are spatially and temporally resolved from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 17 to investigate the mass growth histories of early-type galaxies (ETGs) and late-type galaxies (LTGs). We find that the mass growth of ETGs is earlier than that of LTGs for massive galaxies (M* > 1010M⊙), while low-mass (M* ≤ 1010M⊙) ETGs have statistically similar mass assembly histories as low-mass LTGs. The stellar metallicity of all massive galaxies shows a negative gradient and basically does not change with time. However, in low-mass galaxies, the stellar metallicity gradient of elliptical galaxies is negative, and the stellar metallicity gradient of lenticular and spiral galaxies evolves from positive to negative. ETGs are not all in a high-density environment, but exhibit mass dependence. As the tidal strength increases, the star formation rate of low-mass ETGs rapidly decreases. These results support a picture where massive galaxies exhibit inside-out quenching mode, while low-mass galaxies show outside-in quenching mode. Environmental effects play an important role in regulating the mass assembly histories of low-mass ETGs.

  • The Study of the Physical Properties and Energy Sources of Five Luminous Type Ibc Supernovae

    分类: 物理学 >> 地球物理学、天文学和天体物理学 提交时间: 2024-01-09 合作期刊: 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》

    摘要: In this paper, we study five luminous supernovae (LSNe) Ibc (SN 2009ca, ASASSN-15mj, SN 2019omd, SN 2002ued, and SN 2021bmf) whose peak absolute magnitudes Mpeak are ≈ −19.5 to −21 mag by fitting their multi-band light curves (LCs) with different energy source models. We find that SN 2009ca might be powered by the 56Ni model since the required 56Ni mass (0.56 M⊙) is comparable to those of energetic SNe Ic, while the rest four SNe cannot be accounted for the 56Ni model since their derived 56Ni masses are ≳1 M⊙ or the ratios of the 56Ni mass to the ejecta mass are larger than 0.2. This indicates that some LSNe might be powered by 56Ni decay, while most of them need additional energy sources. We then use the magnetar plus 56Ni model and the fallback plus 56Ni model to fit the LCs of the four LSNe that cannot be explained by the 56Ni model, finding that the two models can account for the four SNe, and the derived parameters are comparable to those of LSNe or superluminous SNe in the literature, if they were (mainly) powered by magnetars or fallback. We suggest that the magnetar plus 56Ni model is more reasonable than the fallback plus 56Ni model, since the validity of the fallback plus 56Ni model depends on the value of accretion efficiency (η) and favors a large η value, and the magnetar plus 56Ni model yields smaller χ2/dof values. It should be pointed out that, however, the fallback plus 56Ni model is still a promising model that can account for the four SNe in our sample as well as other LSNe.

  • The Volumetric Extended-Schmidt Law: A Unity Slope

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the extended-Schmidt (ES) law in volume densities ($\rho_{\rm SFR}$ $\propto$ $(\rho_{\rm gas}\rho_{\rm star}^{0.5})^{\alpha^{\rm VES}}$) for spatially-resolved regions in spiral, dwarf, and ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs), and compare to the volumetric Kennicutt-Schmidt (KS) law ($\rho_{\rm SFR}$ $\propto$ $\rho_{\rm gas}^{\alpha^{\rm VKS}}$). We first characterize these star formation laws in individual galaxies using a sample of 11 spirals, finding median slopes $\alpha^{\rm VES}$=0.98 and $\alpha^{\rm VKS}$=1.42, with a galaxy-to-galaxy rms fluctuation that is substantially smaller for the volumetric ES law (0.18 vs 0.41). By combining all regions in spirals with those in additional 13 dwarfs and one UDG into one single dataset, it is found that the rms scatter of the volumetric ES law at given x-axis is 0.25 dex, also smaller than that of the volumetric KS law (0.34 dex). At the extremely low gas density regime as offered by the UDG, the volumetric KS law breaks down but the volumetric ES law still holds. On the other hand, as compared to the surface density ES law, the volumetric ES law instead has a slightly larger rms scatter, consistent with the scenario that the ES law has an intrinsic slope of $\alpha^{\rm VES} \equiv$1 but the additional observational error of the scale height increases the uncertainty of the volume density. The unity slope of the ES law implies that the star formation efficiency (=$\rho_{\rm SFR}$/$\rho_{\rm gas}$) is regulated by the quantity that is related to the $\rho_{\rm star}^{0.5}$.

  • The Volumetric Extended-Schmidt Law: A Unity Slope

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the extended-Schmidt (ES) law in volume densities ($\rho_{\rm SFR}$ $\propto$ $(\rho_{\rm gas}\rho_{\rm star}^{0.5})^{\alpha^{\rm VES}}$) for spatially-resolved regions in spiral, dwarf, and ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs), and compare to the volumetric Kennicutt-Schmidt (KS) law ($\rho_{\rm SFR}$ $\propto$ $\rho_{\rm gas}^{\alpha^{\rm VKS}}$). We first characterize these star formation laws in individual galaxies using a sample of 11 spirals, finding median slopes $\alpha^{\rm VES}$=0.98 and $\alpha^{\rm VKS}$=1.42, with a galaxy-to-galaxy rms fluctuation that is substantially smaller for the volumetric ES law (0.18 vs 0.41). By combining all regions in spirals with those in additional 13 dwarfs and one UDG into one single dataset, it is found that the rms scatter of the volumetric ES law at given x-axis is 0.25 dex, also smaller than that of the volumetric KS law (0.34 dex). At the extremely low gas density regime as offered by the UDG, the volumetric KS law breaks down but the volumetric ES law still holds. On the other hand, as compared to the surface density ES law, the volumetric ES law instead has a slightly larger rms scatter, consistent with the scenario that the ES law has an intrinsic slope of $\alpha^{\rm VES} \equiv$1 but the additional observational error of the scale height increases the uncertainty of the volume density. The unity slope of the ES law implies that the star formation efficiency (=$\rho_{\rm SFR}$/$\rho_{\rm gas}$) is regulated by the quantity that is related to the $\rho_{\rm star}^{0.5}$.

  • Experimental verification of phase discontinuities induced scintillation enhancement under weak perturbations

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We verify the existence of scintillation enhancement by measuring the scintillation index of a beam composed of two coherent Gaussian vortex beams with $\pm 1$ topological charges propagating through thermally induced turbulence. Further experimental research based on the reference wave interferometric method demonstrates that this phenomenon is caused by the combined effect of a screw dislocation and an infinitely extended edge dislocation, namely the impact of an anisotropic dislocation. The experimental results indicate that the anisotropic dislocation is more sensitive to weak perturbations than an isotropic screw dislocation and an infinitely extended edge dislocation, which means the anisotropic dislocation has potential for weak perturbation measurement. This phenomenon is instructive in further phase discontinuity research.

  • Dense Gas and Star Formation in Nearby Infrared Bright Galaxies: APEX survey of HCN and HCO+ J=2-1

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Both Galactic and extragalactic studies on star formation suggest that stars form directly from dense molecular gas. To trace such high volume density gas, HCN and HCO+ J=1-0 have been widely used for their high dipole moments, relatively high abundances, and often being the strongest lines after CO. However, HCN and HCO+ J=1-0 emission could be arguably dominated by the gas components at low volume densities. HCN J=2-1 and HCO+ J=2-1, with more suitable critical densities and excitation requirements, would trace typical dense gas closely related to star formation. Here we report new observations of HCN J=2-1 and HCO+ J=2-1 towards 17 nearby infrared-bright galaxies with the APEX 12-m telescope. The correlation slopes between luminosities of HCN J=2-1, and HCO+ J=2-1 and total infrared emission are 1.03 +- 0.05 and 1.00 +- 0.05, respectively. The correlations of their surface densities, normalised with the area of radio/sub-millimeter continuum, show even tighter relations (Slopes: 0.99 +- 0.03 and 1.02 +- 0.03). The eight AGN-dominated galaxies show no significant difference from the eleven star-formation dominated galaxies in above relations. The average HCN/HCO+ ratios are 1.15 +- 0.26 and 0.98 +- 0.42 for AGN-dominated and star-formation dominated galaxies, respectively, without obvious dependencies on infrared luminosity, dust temperature, or infrared pumping. The Magellanic Clouds roughly follow the same correlations, expanding to eight orders of magnitude. On the other hand, ultra-luminous infrared galaxies with active galactic nucleus (AGN) systematically lay above the correlations, indicating potential biases introduced by AGNs.

  • Peering into the Milky Way by FAST: I. Exquisite HI structures in the inner Galactic disk from the piggyback line observations of the FAST GPPS survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Neutral hydrogen (HI) is the fundamental component of the interstellar medium. The Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot (GPPS) survey is designed for hunting pulsars by using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) from the visible Galactic plane within $|b| \leq 10^{\circ}$. The survey observations are conducted with the L-band 19-beam receiver in the frequency range of 1.0 $-$ 1.5 GHz, and each pointing has an integration time of 5 minutes. The piggyback spectral data simultaneously recorded during the FAST GPPS survey are great resources for studies on the Galactic HI distribution and ionized gas. We process the piggyback HI data of the FAST GPPS survey in the region of $33^{\circ} \leq l \leq 55^{\circ}$ and $|b| \leq 2^{\circ}$. The rms of the data cube is found to be approximately 40 mK at a velocity resolution of $0.1$ km s$^{-1}$, placing it the most sensitive observations of the Galactic HI by far. The high velocity resolution and high sensitivity of the FAST GPPS HI data enable us to detect weak exquisite HI structures in the interstellar medium. HI absorption line with great details can be obtained against bright continuum sources. The FAST GPPS survey piggyback HI data cube will be released and updated on the web: http://zmtt.bao.ac.cn/MilkyWayFAST/.

  • Peering into the Milky Way by FAST: I. Exquisite HI structures in the inner Galactic disk from the piggyback line observations of the FAST GPPS survey

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Neutral hydrogen (HI) is the fundamental component of the interstellar medium. The Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot (GPPS) survey is designed for hunting pulsars by using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) from the visible Galactic plane within $|b| \leq 10^{\circ}$. The survey observations are conducted with the L-band 19-beam receiver in the frequency range of 1.0 $-$ 1.5 GHz, and each pointing has an integration time of 5 minutes. The piggyback spectral data simultaneously recorded during the FAST GPPS survey are great resources for studies on the Galactic HI distribution and ionized gas. We process the piggyback HI data of the FAST GPPS survey in the region of $33^{\circ} \leq l \leq 55^{\circ}$ and $|b| \leq 2^{\circ}$. The rms of the data cube is found to be approximately 40 mK at a velocity resolution of $0.1$ km s$^{-1}$, placing it the most sensitive observations of the Galactic HI by far. The high velocity resolution and high sensitivity of the FAST GPPS HI data enable us to detect weak exquisite HI structures in the interstellar medium. HI absorption line with great details can be obtained against bright continuum sources. The FAST GPPS survey piggyback HI data cube will be released and updated on the web: http://zmtt.bao.ac.cn/MilkyWayFAST/.

  • Passive Neutron Multiplicity Device for 240Pu Measurement Based on FPGA

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2024-05-17

    摘要: A passive neutron multiplicity measurement device, FH-NCM/S1, based on field-programmable gate arrays(FPGAs), is developed specifically for measuring the mass of plutonium-240 (240Pu) in mixed oxide fuel. FHNCM/S1 adopts an integrated approach, combining the shift-register analysis mode with the pulse-positiontimestamp mode using an FPGA. The optimal effective length of the 3He neutron detector was determined tobe 30 cm, and the thickness of the graphite reflector was ascertained to be 15 cm through MCNP simulations.After fabricating the device, calibration measurements were performed using a 252Cf neutron source; a detectionefficiency of 43.07% and detector die-away time of 55.79 μs were observed. Nine samples of plutoniumoxide were measured under identical conditions using the FH-NCM/S1 in shift-register analysis mode and aplutonium-waste multiplicity counter. The obtained double rates underwent corrections for detection efficiency(ε) and double gate fraction (f d), resulting in corrected double rates (Dc), which were used to validate the accuracyof the shift-register analysis mode. Furthermore, the device exhibited fluctuations in the measurementresults, and within a single 20-s measurement, these fluctuations remained below 10%. After 30 cycles, therelative error in the mass of 240Pu was less than 5%. Finally, correlation calculations confirmed the robustconsistency of both measurement modes. This study holds specific significance for the subsequent design anddevelopment of neutron multiplicity devices.

  • The molecular gas resolved by ALMA in the low-metallicity dwarf merging galaxy Haro 11

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The physical mechanisms for starburst or quenching in less massive ($M_* < 10^{10} M_{\odot}$) galaxies are unclear. The merger is one of the inescapable processes referred to as both starburst and quenching in massive galaxies. However, the effects of the merger on star formation in dwarf galaxies and their evolution results are still uncertain. We aim to explore how to trigger and quench star formation in dwarf galaxies by studying the metal-poor gas-rich dwarf mergers based on the multi-band observations at a spatial resolution of $\sim$ 460 pc. We use the archival data of ALMA (band 3, 8) and VLT/MUSE to map CO($J=$1-0), [CI]($^3$P$_1 - ^3$P$_0$), and H$\alpha$ emission in one of the most extreme starburst merging dwarf galaxies, Haro 11. We find the molecular gas is assembled around the central two star-forming regions. The molecular/ionized gas and stellar components show complex kinematics, indicating that the gas is probably at a combined stage of collision of clouds and feedback from star formation. The peak location and distribution of [CI](1-0) strongly resemble the CO(1-0) emission, meaning that it might trace the same molecular gas as CO in such a dwarf merger starburst galaxy. The enhancement of line ratios ($\sim 0.5$) of [CI]/CO around knot C is probably generated by the dissociation of CO molecules by cosmic rays and far-ultraviolet photons. Globally, Haro 11 and its star-forming regions share similar SFEs as the high-$z$ starburst galaxies or the clumps in nearby (U)LIRGs. Given the high SFE, sSFR, small stellar mass, low metallicity, and deficient HI gas, Haro 11 could be an analog of high-$z$ dwarf starburst and the potential progenitor of the nearby less massive elliptical galaxies. The significantly smaller turbulent pressure and viral parameter will probably trigger the intense starbursts. We also predict that it will quench at $M_* < 8.5 \times 10^9 M_{\odot}$.

  • A triplet of the only pulsation mode detected in the DAV star G132-12

    分类: 天文学 >> 天文学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Hydrogen atmosphere pulsating white dwarfs, also known as DAV stars, are the most abundant type of pulsating white dwarfs. High-temperature DAV stars exhibit in general a small number of pulsation modes and stable frequencies. G132-12 is one of the pulsating hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf stars which lies close to the blue edge of the instability strip. Previous researches reported that G132-12 might have only one pulsation mode with the period of 212.69 s. To study the pulsation properties of G132-12 in detail, we carried out a bi-site observation campaign in October 2019. Time series photometric data were collected during around 154 hours in total. A Fourier Analysis reveals 3 frequencies which are identified as the triplet of a $l = 1$ g-mode pulsation with the period of 212.499 s. The rotational period is derived as $P_{rot} = 35.0\pm6.7$ hours and the inclination of the rotational axis to the line of sight is $70^{\circ}$. G132-12 could be an ideal target for measuring the cooling scale of this white dwarf star with only one excited pulsation mode detected.

  • An ultrastable and robust single-photon emitter in hexagonal boron nitride

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quantum emitters in van der Waals (vdW) materials have attracted lots of attentions in recent years, and shown great potentials to be fabricated as quantum photonic nanodevices. Especially, the single photon emitter (SPE) in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) emerges with the outstanding room-temperature quantum performances, whereas the ubiquitous blinking and bleaching restrict its practical applications and investigations critically. The blister in vdW materials possessing stable structure can modify the local bandgap by strains on nanoscale, which is supposed to have the ability to fix this photostability problem. Here we report a blister-induced high-purity SPE in hBN under ambient conditions showing stable quantum-emitting performances, and no evidence of blinking and bleaching for one year. Remarkably, we observe the nontrivial successive activating and quenching dynamical process of the fluorescent defects at the SPE region under low pressures for the first time, and the robust recoverability of the SPE after turning back to the atmospheric pressure. The pressure-tuned performance indicates the SPE origins from the lattice defect isolated and activated by the strain induced from the blister, and sheds lights on the future high-performance quantum sources based on hBN.